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;r 56 lYieditation.r a11d DifcourflJ -Grrd, bearing forth the renovation of his Image in the world ; Herein the Lord Chrift is, and will be zlorivus unto ail Eternity. I only mention ,the!e things, which deferve to be far more largely infifted on. · 3· HE cloth the fame by that a8ual Infitio'lt or Impftl1ttation into himfelf, which he gives us by faith ; wh.ich is of his own operation. For hereon two Things do enfile ; one by the Grace or Power, the other by the Law or Conftiturion of the Gofpel, which have a great influence into this ,tfyjlir-·al Communication of Chrift unto the Church. ~· AND the firft of thefe is, Th~ hereby there is communicated unto us, and we do deriye jitpplies of Jpiritual , Life, SuftentatioJ1 , Motion ·" .Strength in Grace, and Perfeverance, from him continually. This is that which himfelf fo divinely reacheth in the Parable of the Vine and its hranches, }oh. 1 5'. r, 2, 3, 4, 5'. Hereby is there a ~conrinual communication from his Allfulne{s of Gr.ttce unto the whole Church & all the members _9f it, unto all the ends and duties of fpi,:icual life. They live, nrJ·verthelefs not they, but Chrift liveth in tb.em; and the Life 'lvhich they lead in the the flejh is 'by the Faith of the Son of God. And the other , by vertue of the Law and . Conffituticn of the GJ!pel, is, that hereon his Rightaoufoejs anj all the truits of his Meditation, are impmed unto us ; . the Glory of which ~1yftery the Apo(l:le unfolds Romans j cl. 4th. and 5th. I MIGHT add herent;to the mutual Tnbeing that i~ between him and believ~rs by lo·ve; for t~e way of the commLlnication of his Lo \re unto them,