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on the Glory ef Chrifi. 3 faElitm which he k1:ew his Father would take in the Knowledge of It. And fi1ch a manifeflation of his Ghry unto his Difcip1es doth the Lord Chrift here defire, as might fill them ty~tl} me[ed sa.. tisfaction for evermore. · THIS alorie which is here prayed for,wiiJ give them fuch fatisfaction, and nothing elfe. . 'l'h.e Hearts of Believers are like the neerlle t'ouched bv the Load-ftone, which canrrot reft until it com~s to the Point whereunto by the fecret V~nue pf it, it is cliretl:ed. For being once tou~hed by th ~ Love of Chrift, receiving therein an impriffion of fecret ineffable. Venue, they will ever be in motj ~ on, and rdUefs; until tbey come unto him~ anp behold his Glory. That Soul which can he fatisfjed 'JJJithout it; th:at.cannot be eternally fatisfied ?vit h it; is not partaker of the effi~acy pf his Jnter}:~ffion. , · I fuafl ·Jay' ,the Foundation ofthe enfuing M:e... ditati6ns. in .this one Affertion, namely, That one of thegreateft Pri'Viledges and Ad'Vancements of Be lievers,- rbot~ in this lForld, and unto Eten1ity, CO'f!i fifts in".1heir ~ BEHOLDING THE GLORY DF CHRIS'J'. )This ther_efor.e he defires f,or them .in this Soi~m1.11 . Jnterceflion, as the complement pf all his other requefts in their behalf; That ~h~y may behbld my Glory. ''Jvtt 6.£~»f~~~; .that they may fee, 'Vi.t.?v, behold or contemplate on my Glory. Th_e Reafon,s why l . affign not tl)is glorious Privil,edg~ onely unto the HeavenlJ ftate, whi~h is prinFipaJJy r~fpected in this pla.ce, but apply it unto th~ ftate ,of BeHevers in this W.orld alfo, witb thei,: Puties and ;t>riviledges .ther~in, PJ.all .be jmrne.d,}.,. ately ,cl~~lar.~q. ·_, . E.~ 4L:t.