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:56 .lWedjtafio,ns ~.11d Difcourfes )\NE may take notice ofan It? fiance in one ,kind Jmder the Old Teftamenr, and ofone and anothe).· ;under the New. ' HIS J· erfonal 4ppear'ances underthe Old Teih;tment ~arr:.ed in them a demonftration of his GloJY : Su~h was that in the Vi(ion whit;h Ifaiah had, ,ov!nn he fmv htJ glory, aud /pake of him, Chap. 6. ·I, 2.. I faw the Lord fitting upon a Throne, high a1ul l~(ted up, eZ(:d his tram fil!lfd the Temple. eA' bout it Jh·(,d the SeYaphims, &c. It was a ReprefentatiOIJ ~f the glory of the Divine prefence of Chrift fil- )ing h~s Humane nature, the 1 emple of his Body, .x,vicb a pain of q.U glorious graces. And if this Typical re'prefentarion of it was (o glorious,as that · }tbe Seraphims were not abie ftedfaitly to behold it, 'but ccvered their faces upon its appearanc~, V• .2. J10w exceeding glorious is ~tin it felf,as ifis openly :revealed in th~ Goipel ! · · ' OF t he fame nature are the immediate Tefii- .monies given ilnto him froi:n Heaven in the New Teftamet1t; So the Apoftle tells us, he received fror:-z God the F~lther, .bonuur, and g.fory, when there came fuch a voice unto birn from the excellent gloryj ;I'his is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleafed, 2 P'et. 1. 17. The Apofile intends the time of his .Transfiguration in the m!Juni, for fo he adds, ver. I 8. And thij v oice whtch ·came from heaven, we heard 'JVho wertwith him in ihe holy mount. How- ~eit at fundry other times he had th~ fame Teftimony, or to the fatne purpofe, from God, even the Father in Heavert. ;Hereiit God gave him HB- 'ncur and Glory, which all tHofe that: belje\'e'in him _!hould behc;>ld and a<;lmire ; nor only' rhofe who ~eard th~s Teftimony with their bodily ears~ ,A.:. -· · I but