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.d..--..,._, Ver.4. Forgivenefi as it relates, 6e. 95 Firf}, As was (hewed in the opening of the words, the for- Forgive- ;ivencfs enquired after,bath Relation unto the Gracious Hurt nefs, as it of the Father. Two things I under(land hereby. relates to t. The Infinite Goodneßand Gracioufnefl of his Nature, "F Nature oFG.;d. 2. The Soveraignpurpofe ofhis Will andGrace. There is confiderable in ir, the infinite Goodn,ßof his nature. Sin flunds in acontrariety unto God. It is a Re6ell,on againll hisSoveraignty, an Oppolition to his Holinef a Provocation to his .7udlice, a Re jedion of hisyoke, .a callingoff, what lyes in the (inner, ofthat dependance which a Creature hath on its Crea- tor. That God then (hould have pity and companion on finners, in every one of whofefins,there is all this evil,and inconceivably more thanwe cancomprehend,it argues an infinitely Gracious, Good, and loving heart and nature in him. kor God doth ng- thing,but fuitably to the Properties ofhis Nature,and from them. All the Aas of his Will, are the Efas ofhis Nature. Nowwhat ever God propofeth as an encouragement for finners to come to him, that is of, or hath a fpecial influence into the Forgivenrß.that is with him. For nothing can en- courage a finner as fucb, but under this confideration , that it is, or it refpeâs forgivcnef? That this Gracioufneß of Gods nature, lyes at the head or fpring, and is the root from whence forgiveneßdoth grow,is manifeft from that folemnProclamation which he made ofold of his name, and the Revelation of his nature therein, ( for God a(í'uredly i, ; what by himfelf he is called,).Exod. 34. 6, 7. The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long Jeering, and abundant in Goodnefs and Truth, keep- ing mercy for thoufands, forgiving iniquity and tranreß9n andfn.. His forgiving of iniquity flows from hence ; that in his na- ture , he is merciful , gracious , long fufring, abundant in goodnef Were he nat fo, infinite in all theft , it were in vain to look for forgiveneß from him. Having made this known to be his Name, and thereby declared his Nature, he in many places propofeth it as a relief, a refuge for finners,_ an encouragement to come unto him, and- to wait for mer- cy from him , Pfa1.9, a a. Theythat know thy name, will put their 'ruff in thee. It will 'encourage that -fo to do ; others have.