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18d EfpecialOrdinance.r Pfal.13o, longed unto the Obedience which God requiredof him, as for our fafy, he was made under the Lain. He was to obferve all Ordinances and Inflicutionsof the Worthip of God ; not for any need he had in his own PerCon of the efpecial Ends and figniftcationi of fome of them; yet as he was our Span*, fure- ty, and Mediator fianding in our Read in all that he fo did, he was to yield obedience unto them, that fo he might fulfill all Kighteoufneß, Matth. 3. a 3. So was he circumci/ed, fo he was baptized, both which had refpea unto fin, though abfolutely tree from all fin in his own Perfon; and that becaufe he was free from no Obedience unto any Command of God. But as was Paid, Baptifm it (elf as appointed to be an Ordi- nance of Worfhip for finners to ()Verve, was a Declaration of thatforgiveneß that is with God. It was fo in its firft Intlitu- tion. God calls a man in a marvellous and miraculous man- ner , gives him a MiuiJíry from Heaven; commands him toGo andBaptize all thofe who confeffing their fins, and profefíing Repentance ofthem, fhould come to him, to have a Teflimo- nyof forgivenefs. And as to the efpecial nature of this Ordi nance, he appoints it to be fuch, as to. reprefent thecertainty and truth of his Grace in pardon,unto their finks by a vfiible pledge. He lets them know that he would take away their fin, wherein their fpiritual defilement cloth confia, even as Wa- ter takes away the outward-filth of the body ; and that here- by they (hall be faved, as furely as Noah and his Family were faved in the Arkfwimming upon the waters, z Pet. 3.21. Now how great a deceit muff needs in this whole matter have been put upon poor finners, if it were not infallibly certain, that theymight obtain forgivénefswith God. After the Entranceof thisOrdinance in the Minifiry of John, theLord Chriff takes it into his own hand, and commands the obfervation of it unto all his Difciples. I difpute not now, who are the proper immediate objects of it; whether they only who ahually can make prof Ilion of their faith , or Be- lievers with their infant feed. For my part, I believe that all whomChrift roves and pardons are to be made partakers of the pledge thereof. And the foie Reafin which they of old inf(fed on, why the infants ofBelieving Parents thould not be baptized;