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Depths ofSin, wherein they.con(i. Pfal. t 3 0. like Jonah , and raise a Norm in his Family , in the Church whereof he is a Member, or in the whole Nation. Let them not he ashamed for my fake. Tnc fe things make his heart [oft as Job fpeaks, and to melt within him. When any i fusion or publick judgement of God, is taftned to a quick livu;g feare of fin in the Confcience, it overwhelms the foul ; whether it be only ju/illy feared, or be ac;}ually in ; as was the cafe of yofeph's Brethren in _Egypt. The foul ins then rolled from one deep to another. Senfe of fin, casts it on theconfideration ofits 1AffDion ; and AfilOion turns it back on a f nfe of fin. So deep calleth unto deep, and all Gods billows go over the f ul. And they do each of them make the foul tender, and fharpe.n its fenfe un- to the other. Afiubon Blew the foul; fo that the fenfe of fin cuts the deeper , and makes the larger wounds ; and the fenfe offin weakens the foul, and makes 47167ion fit the heavier, and foencreafeth its burden. In this cafe, that Ai]lilion which a man inhis ufual flare of fpiriival peace, could have embraced . as a Tweet pledge of Love, is asgoads and thorns in his tide, de- priving him of all refs and quietnef ; God makes it, as thorns and briars wherewith he will teach flubburn fouls their duty, as Gideon did the Man ofSuccoth. Fifthly, There may be added hereunto, prevailing fears for a fatn, of being utterly rejeîled by God, ofbeing found a Repro- bate at the lath day. Jonah feems to conclude fo, Chap. 3. 4. /ben I Paid, 1 am call out of thy fight. I am loft for ever, God will own me no more. And Heman, Pfalm 88. 4, 5. I am counted with them that go down into the pit Free among the dead, like the(lain that lye in the grave, whom thou remembrejt no more, and they are cut offfrom thy band. This may reach the foul, un- til the forrows ofHell encompass it, and lay hold upon it ; un- till it be deprived of comfort, peace, refi, until! it be a terror to itsíelf, and be ready to choofe ftrangling rather than life. This may befall atrocious foul on the account of fin. But yet be- caufe this figts direc 1y againfi the Life ofFaith, God Both not, uniefs it be in extraordinary cafes , suffer any ofhis to lye long in this horriblepit, where there is no water, no refreth- 'ment. But thisoften falls.out, that even the Saints themfelves are left for a feafon to a fearful exile latian of judgement, and fiery