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44 Verfe 3. opened. Pfal.r3o, laid not to feefin, to overlook-it, to cover it, to forget it , er remember it no more ; that is, toforgive it, as the next Verfe declares. I need not thew that God fo far marks all fins in all perfons, as to fie them, know them, difallow them , and to be di#leafed with them. This cannot be denyed without taking away of all grounds of his fear and Worfhip. Todeny it, is all oneas to deny the very Being of God ; deny his Holinefs and Righte- oufnefs, and you deny his Exiftence. But there is a day ap- pointed, wherein all the men of the world (hall know, that God knew and took noticeof all and every one of their molt fe- cret fins. There is then a double markingof fin in God, neither of which can bedenyed in reference unto any fins, in anyper- Ions. The firft is Phyfical, confining in his omnifcience whereun- to all things are open and 'naked. Thus no fin is hid from him ; the fecreteft are before the light of his countenance. All are marked by him. Secondly, Moral ; in a dijlicency with, or difpleafure againfk every fin, which is infeparable from the nature ofGod, upon the account of his Holineß. And this is declared in the fentenceof the Law, and that equally to all men in the world. But the marking here intended, is that which is in a tendency to Animadverfion and punifhment ac- cording to the tenor of the Law. Not only the fentence of the Law,but a Will ofpunifhing according to it is included in it. If faith thePfalmifi, thou the great and dreadful God, who art extolled by thyglorious name Jah, fhouldit take noticeofiniquities,fo o as to recompence them unto inners that come unto thee according to the feverity and exigence of thy holy Law. What then ? It is anfwe- red by the matterof the Propofal, who can ffand ? That is, none can fo do; 7ís fY c2 0V 'sd'ÑS 'fsiv layes Chryfoffom ; This WHO , is NON E. No man , not one in the world. 1Cv1 'n quis ffabit, or conffiffet ; whocan Rand, or abide and endure the tryal ? Everyone on this fuppofition mull perifli, and that eternally. This the defers of fin, and the Cttrfe: ofthe Law, which is the Rule ofthis marking of their iniquity, doth require. And there is a notable empbáfs in the interragation, which contains the manner ofthe Inference. Who can (rand ? is more than if he hadfaiç, none canabide the tryal, and efcape without