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toca Chap. 2. 11Coaamentarie vpox kind to be reftored, or invalue,Exod.2 r, t 9. Ifthepartíe,who is tore1ore, be in extreame pouertie, andhaue not wherewith to make recompence,hemuff doe that which he can, that is,he mutt fhew a readieand willing mindc: and this is done by con fefíion, and by crauing ofpardon. Ifgoods to be rdforcd, be for their value and quâtitic vnknowne , then reffitutiion roufl be made according to the iudgcment,and difcretionof them that are wife. The fourth point is, touching the time when ? Anf. In re- fpe&ofpreparation ofmind,we muff preíently fatisfie:yet not in refpeft of execution. For the AEA ofreftitution may be de- ferred, if therebe ignorance of the right , or ignoranceof the fait, if the reftorer be in extreame neede: if vpon prefent re- flitution,life,goods,or good name, be indangered. The laft point is , in what order and manner , Reftitution is to be made ? ANT. Things certen mutt firft be reftored, and things vncerten after. Among things certen, that is,whichcer- tenly belongs vnto an other,things bought andnot dcliucred, are to bereftored, andDepofita,things committed toour truff. If things to bereftored for their value and qualitiebe vncer- ten, the order is this ; Reftitution muff be made(according to the difcretionofwife men)in Come part : and for the reft, par- don to be craued. Againc in reftitutionwarmes is to be vied, leali by Cuppiying the loires of other men, we make to our (clues the loffe ofgoodname. Againc , in Pauls praehife we fee an canna care and dili- gence to prouide for the poore. And his diligence is further exprefred Ro. r 5.2ç,z8.where it is laid , that he minifredto the Saints at lernralem, and withall that he gaue himfelfc no reft in this dutie, till hehadPealed this fretit vnto them,that is, till he faw Ì it done according to his delire. His example muff be followed ofvs. It is not enough for vs to glue goodwords , and to with well, but we muff in our places and callings, doeourendea- uour that releefe may euen be Pealed tó our poore. And there be many reafons to moouc vs. Fittl,let vs confider that the charge was very great , to maintaine the altar of the Lord in the old Teftament with fheepe,and oxen, and offerings of all kinds : and now in the newTeflarnent the poore conte in the roo,ne of the Altar. Secondly, the poore reprefent the perfon ( ofChriU ; and inthem he conies vnto vs, and faith ,7 am hun- t orie, S 10 IS 20 2g 30 35