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Chap.z. the Wig to the Calatianr. Brie, t arm i7ce,1am naked,lam barbourlefre:therfore,looke what we would doc to Chrilt,the famemuffwe doc to them.Third- ly,thcpoore haue title,and intereft, to part of our goods : for God is the Lord ofthem, and we arcbut Rewards to difpofe r and vfe them,according to hisappointment. And his will is, thatpart ofour goods be giuen for the releefeof thepoore . If this be not done , we are themes in refpet ofthe goods we poflèefie.Laflly,mercie or the bowels ofcompaffion m vs, is a pledge,or an impreflion ofthe mercie that is in God,towards I 1 vs:and byit we may knowe,orfeele in our felues , that mercie belongs vnto vs. Thus we fee, what is our dutic: nowe let vs confider what isour fault. Not to blame anyperfon or per- fons,it is our common fault,that we are backeward and flacke' in this dutie.And the caufe is,that we doenot heartily glue our 15 fclucs to Chrilband thismakes vs to be flacke ingluingour goods to the poore, 2.Cor.9.5. Againe,we commonly hue (as it were)without a law.Wedoenot withDauid, fetthe'laws ofGodbefore vs,Pfal. I 19. V.168. Neither doewe apply our 1 hearts to his aatutes,v. i r a. For thenwould we with Dauid, a o wake hallo tokeep the commandements e, fCod ,v. 6o. Specially thisgreat commandement of releefe:and the rather,bccaufe theobferuingofit,is the inrichingofvs all. Laflly,lct vs marke, that Paul becing warned orthe Apo- ftles,wasdiligent to doe that,whereofhe was warncd.The like 25 mull we doe. It is not fuflicient to heare,but betide this, there mutt be in vs a care and diligence to doc and praaife that which we heare.For this is to build upon the rocke. And it-4i: a common fault,toheare much,anddoc little. Ezech.3 3.24 y. ir, AndwhenPeter wascorn toAntioch , I with.ftood him to his face:forhe was tobe blamed . 35 , In there words Paul propounds the fecond anfwer, which hemakes to theobieE ion, mentioned in thebeginningof the ' this e%a. Though the churchglorifieGod far thee: yet wil not the Apoffles do it :becaufé thouart rorjtrary to the. Here Paul an wers,that there was indeed a cliff-nationbetween; him andPeter, when he withflood Peter to his faceat Anti. 30 otha IpI