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the Epiflle to the Galatians. Chap.2 1 103 the deuill comes not vnto vs vifbly,but in the perfons ofcuill men,and in the badde examples of all men. Thismade Chrif} fay to Peter,Math.r 6.2 3 .Come behind me, Satan,for thouart an offence vino me , when Peter would haue dii1waded him from 5 goinc, to Icrufalem.Again,it maybe Paid, In what things muff we refill them? Paul anfwereth, In heauen/y tbings,v.r 2. that is, in things which pertaine to Gods kingdomc,and concerns either the faluation of our foules,or theworfhipof God For thedevil! fecketh by all manner ofcuils, to hinder thefe good ro things. Moreouer , this dune ofreriifting cuill isfo necefIàric, that wemull refill finne, ifnecdc be , to the very (bedding of our blood, Heb. t 2.4. Againe,wehauem Paul an example ofbouldnesand liber- tie inreprooutngoffinne. This was a thing commanded to :i 5 theProphets and Apoflles I(át, s8. r. Cris and(parenot , lift vp tby voice like a trumpet , ¡hew rvir people their trap f reion . Ierem. t. 17. Trsefife vp thy loins, arife andfpeake unto them all that I commauool thee : benot afraidoftheir faces , left f defiroy thee before them. Like libertie may the minifters of the word 20 vfe, obferuing Pauls rule. 2. Tim. 5. 7. Godhash not given vs the f irit offeare, butofpower,and ofloue, and of a found mrrrde. Wherehe lets downe threecaucats. Firfl, that this libertie in reprouing, is not the fruite ofaboldand .rafh difpoition, but it is a fruit of Gods fpirit, and fo tobe acknowledged. Read 25 Mich. 3.8. Thefccöd,that thev(:: ofthis l ibcrtie is to be orde- red by a found mind, wherebywe are able to giue a good ac count ofour reproofes, both for thematter, and manner of them. The third is, that all ouradmonitions mull be frafoned and temperedwith loue: that they tend to the good and fal- 30 uationof them that are reproued . Thefe caveats obferued libertie in reproouing (hall neuer want his blef$ing, Ifai. ç 0.7. Thirdly,herc is an example in Paul , of an ingenious & ho nett minde. Whenhefees Peter doe arnifíe,he reprooucs him tohisface.Contrarie to this , is the common practile in back- 35 biting,whifpering, & talebearing, whereby it comes topaffe, that when aman is in fauit,euery man knowes it, fauehe which is in fault. This vice the laweofGod expreffely forbid s,Lcu. 9 9. r 6.And it is theproperneofa góodman ., not total,evp a falfe reporte. Tfal.'J, And Dauid reprosies Saul becaufehe did but lend the care to talebearers laying arherefore giuef: :bau