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104 Ch;ap.2. ACendmentarie vpon thou anBare to mens warder that/ay,6ehotrlct, 27auidfcc/(eth eaill againfi thee? I. 54m. 24. 10. InPeter, whowhen he wasreprouedmade no reply,we fee an example ofpatience and humiltie , whereby he humbled I before the reprouer, when he was conuiçled of an !offence. The like was inDauid when he laid, let the ri hteous ¡Jmitemee. Tjal, d c. v. f. ` IWhereas `Paul faith, thatTeter was to be blamed, or con- demned , not in refpcaófhisperfon,but ofhis example : we fee that excellent men euen the cheefc Apoflles are fubie& to erre,and bedecciued . It may be Paid, hove thenmay we truft them in their writings.Ianfwer, while they were in dclittering any thing to the Church , whetherit wereby fcrnon,orwri- ting,theywereguided by the infallible of iiftancc ofthe limit, and couldnoterre . Otherwife they might erre , when they wereout of thisworke,in miud,will,af-feftion,or aftion.Thus Ionas,when he law that Niniue was not deflroyed,was impo- tentinhis anger.Nathanwas deceiued ingluing aduife to Da- uid,touching the building ofthe temple.2.Sam.7. The Apo- files at the afcenfion of Chrift, (till dreamed of an earthly kingdome,faying,Wben wilt thon ref/ore the 1ngdome to J ra- el ? Aft.t.And Peter beeingbidden to arife,and cate of things forbidden by the ceremonial law,faid,Notfo Lord, Aft. t 0.14. Thus then,ifPeter was fubief} to errour,thepretended fuc- celTours ofPeter,namely,the bithops ofRotnc,cannot be free from errour.It is alleadged,that Peter erred in life;and not in dofirine. Ianfwer, it was fo indeed: yet didhis bad example tend to the ruine ofdoarine, if it had not bin preuented. Therefore,the crrour that was in afte,ifwe rcfpcft the cuent, was indoftrine. Againe,Ianfwer,that ancrrour in aEtion,pre- fuppofeth ancrrour inminde, or at the leaf', force ignorance: becaufctheminde is the beginningofthe thingdonc.Thus all finners,arecalled ivnorant perlons . Hcbr. 5.2. And it feemes that the errour of Peter was,that of twocuils,it was the befit to choofe the leffe:that is,to choofc rather tooffend theGentiles, then the Icwes, to whome he was an Apoftle fpccially ap- pointed. Hereagaine we mifcrable wrethes arc taught to watch and pray, that Godwouldnot lead vs into temptation confider- ingmoil excellent men arcfubiet`t to falling. And men muff 5 10 15 20 25 3© 3í