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the Epille to theGalatians. Chap.2. be warnednot toabufe 'Peters example inboulftering them- felucs in their naughtie wales: by faying, we are all fanners, that thebelt man aliue isa (inner, that theCult man falles linen timesa day. For the place in the Prousrbs z 4. 16. is fpoken 5 ofaf$iftion and not of finne : the iuft man falls feuen times, that is, he falles intomanifould perills. And further, weMould not only confider the faults oflull men, but alto their conuer- fioa and repentance. And againe to finne and tocommit finne are two dicers things. Though the godly finne yet doe they ít 0 not keepe a courfe in finning andgoo on from finnetofinne. v. iz,. For before certen came from Iames, he ate with the gen- $5 tiles : but when they werecome , he withdrew himfelfe , fearing them that were of the circumcifion. 13. Andother Iewes diiTembled 1ikewife withhim: in fo much that Barnabas was brought into their difsinnulationalto. The Apotilebathpropounded his fecond anfwer in the former verle :nowhe proccedes to makea declaration ofit . And firft, he lets downe thecaufcwhy Peter was reproucd, 3o and the mannerofreprofe. The caufe is the 12 and r 3. verfes, namely Peters finny. And this finne is let forth by foure things. By the nameof the finne, the matter of the finne, the caufc of the finny, the effeits ofthe finne. The nameof the finne is noted, whenPaul faith, Andother 35 Imes diffembled14wifcwithhim. v.13. whereI gather that Pe- ters finne wasSimulation. Simulationof it lelfe is a thing indif- ferent, and according to circumflances iseither good, or cuill. Lawfull fimulation is, when men conceit that which they may lawfully conceit, and ,fignifie fomething either by word or decde, that is onely betide thetruth, and not contrarie to it, 0 r This 20 25 105: