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r t 8 { Chap.2. c i Cosennent,trieflor byworkes : for he might haue ended the whole matter ina word or twaine , by (hewing that theceremonial' law, was a- brogatedbyChrift. Secondly, Ianfwer,that not onely workes done before faith, are excluded , but aifo workes that follow faith, andarc done in theeftateofgrace.For Paul here reafons thus : lino flcfh be iuftified by workes,then notwe belecucrs: but no f ehat all is iuftificd : thereforenot we bdceuers.Da-; uid, Pfal. i 43. reafonethon the famemanner : Nsfielbfull be infliftedin thy tight : therefore I cannot , thoughmho-wife I be thy t°eruant, in keepingthy commandements.WhenAbraham was the fisher ofall the faithful', andwas come to the higheft . degree offaith, and abounded ingoodworkes, yet was henot then iutlifaedby workes, Rom. 4. t,s. Paul kept agoodconfci- ene, before godandnwn,Afl. r ;.and yet was he not Wedther. by, t .Cor.4. 4. Andhefaith, that wearenotfloodby the worker which God bathordained that we /houldwale in, Eph. 2.9,10. And the workes that God bath ordained for vstowalke in, arc .!fie belt workes ofall , euen workes ofgrace. Agsine, he faith, that we arenotfaredbl worker oftwercie, Tit. z. S . It may heobiefted,th*hcre is a Cooperationofworks and faith, Iam.1 2.2t. I anfwer, that this Cooperation is not in theaft ofiuflifca- tion,norin theworkeofour faluation,but in the manifcitation' of the truth , and finceritie of our faith , without hypocrifie. And for the declaration and approbation of this, faithand workes ioyntlyconcurre. Here thenwe fee it is a peftilent and damnable doflrineof the Papifls, when they teach iuftifiati. on by the workesof the law. Let vs Iacrc be warned to take' heedeof it. The fourthpoint is, the Meritorious cauceofour iu[lifìcati- on : and that is Chrift. Here it maybe demanded , what is that thing in Chrifl, by and for which, weare iuflified. Ianfwer, theObedienceof`hrs 1, Rom. 5.19. And it Rands in two things, hie?APR in lifeanddeath , and hie Fnlfllong ofthe low ioyned therewith. For b&forth the lawaeffa6lifhed, Rom. ;. 3 t . Chrifl searfew in theb*litrrde o f fnnefidclef, , that she rigour ofthe law might befulfilledinwe, Rom. 8.4. andChrif u thepetfeOion of the fatsfor righteoafrer toall that beleene, Rom. 50. 4. He that dohnot fillall things contained in the Law, it accirrfed, Gal. 3. ro. Seeing therefore we cannot performe the things contai- ned therein, byour felect, we moltperforme there in the per- Con S IO s so 25 30 35