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itheEpiflle to the Calatrant. Chap.2. I t9 fonofour Mcdiatour : whohath fatisfied for the thrcatnings ofthe lawby his pafíion ; and hath fulfilled theprecepts ofthe lawbyhis obedicncc,in all duties ofloucto God,andman. We one toGoda double debt. One is,that we are tofulfill the law g euery moment, from our firfl beginning. both in regard of puritie ofnaturc, and puritie ofanion. And this debt was laid vponvs in the creation, and is exalted ofvs in the lawofGod. The fecond debt is,afatisfa/tion for the breach ofthc law. For this double debt, Ciuffi is be become our Surctie ; and God to accepts his obedience for vs, it becinga full fatisfadion, accor- ding to the tcaour ofthe law. or the better conceiuing of this obedience, foure quefl'i- onsmay be demanded. The firfl is, when this obediencebe- ginner and ends ? Anf. Satisfaftorie obcdicnce performed by r S Chrift, beginnes in hisincarnation,& ends in hisdeath. Chrift faith, Ioh.4. 34 It td myWWI, to doe myfathers will, And t.fnifh bid w.rke. But when was it indcede finifhed ? A littlebefore his pail onhe f id, Iob. i 7.4. 1have fixifbed the worke which then ganefi me to dr. Againe, in the furrcndringof his foute. he 20 faith,7t iefnilbed,Yoh. t 9.3o. S. Paul faith,Chrif wilt obedient to thedeathofthe ere,jje,Phil.s.8. The triumphofChrift beganrte vpon the croffe,Co1.2. i Sand he couldnot triumphbefore he had made a full, and perfeft fatisfaftíon for vs. When Chrift hadprocured deliverance from hell , and Right to life cuerla 2,5 fling, he theremade aperfeft 1atisfaftion for vs , to the jut-lice of God. And this he did in his deathvpon the crolTe. For by the deathof the Mcdiatour, we receittethepremife ofeseerlajlixg inheritance, Heb. 9. i 5. and with one oblatienvpon thecraft be price:lei than that Arefaaútfted, Heb. 10. 54. and they cannot 30 be perfefted,without theperfeft obedienceof Chrift. Chrift rofc fromdeath , and afcendcd into heaucn in our roorne , and flead : and this he couldneuer hauedone, vnle&T& he had made a perfcft fatisfaftion indeath. Here it may be asked, If fatisfa- florieobedience end in the deathof Chrift , to what vieferve 35 the refurrellion, and afcenfionofChill , andhis fitting atthe right handof the father ? Bx¡. They fettle allo forour iutlifi cation, but afteran other fort. For they term toapplic & com- municate to vs , and to put vs in poffeffion of the benefits, which Chrift hath procured for vs, and purchafrd by his' death. S. Paul faith, He Ifended tosienf}t towren,andt.jllall; :biota,