Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

132 Chap. 2. Commentarievpon ftablifhcd. PCai. 1 1 7 . 7, 8 . For the better praEife of thisdutie, two rules mull be remembred. The one is , that faith and the praftife thereof, mull raigne in the heart, and haueall at com- mand. We mull not goe by fenfe, feeling, reafon, but we mull flew our eyes, and let faith keepe our hearts dole to the pro - mile of God. Nay faith mull ouerrule nature , and command nature, and the firongefl affections thereof. Thus Abraham bcleeucd againll hope , and by faith was content to offer his 1 naturall and onely begotten fanne.Hebr. a r. If faith ouerrule nature , then much more mull it haue all the lulls and corrup- tions ofnature at command. The fecond rule is, that when we I know not what to doe, by rcafon of the greatncsof our di- i ffreffe, we mull then fixeour hearts onChrift without fepera- tion. lie that climes vpa ladder,or [ome fleepe place,the high- er he goes, the faller he holds. 2. Chron. 20, 12. Iob. 13.12. Hence is true comfor t. Pfal. z j . 13 . 5 10 17 And ifwhile we feeke tobe made righteous byChrift, we our felues are found inners, is Chrií the minifrer offinne e'. God forbid. For thebetter vnderltanding ofthe latter part of this chap- ter, it mull be oblerued, that Paul diieéts his (peachnot onely l 23 to Peter , but an to the leú>es that flood by, !peeing maintai- ners ofnitrificationby the law. Some thinke, that in this verfe Paul makes an obieaion in the perlon ofthe fe.11e Apoíiles, on thismanner. Ifwe be iufli- fled by thrill alone, without the obferuation ofthe law, then 30 there is nodifference betwcenc vs 'ewes and the Gentiles; but we are as deepe (inners as they : and ifthis be 1 , then Chrifl is theminiverof finne. And then they fay, to this Paul anfwcrs, Gociforbid. But I fotncwhat doubt, whether this be the fènfe of I the words, becaufè Paul doth not make a dire&confutation of i 3; this obieslion in the words following. Therefore I rather fuppofe , that Paul continues his former fpeach, the ende of the chapter: and that in therewords he vfeth a third reafon , to diffwadePeter from haulting, be- twecne the Lewes and Gentiles. And the reafon will the better ap-. I5 20 _-.. 1111 ....d,.....s