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he Epifile to the Çd4:ins. Chap.2. appeare , ifwe fearch the meaningofthe words. lf, whtlewebe itrfhfredby Chriff, that is, by faith in Chriff, without the workes ofthe law. Wearefound (inners, that is, found in our finges, not fully iut1ified , but arc further to be iufiificd by theworkes of 5 the law. Is Chriff theL2Winiffer ó{(inne?that is,doth it not hence follow, that Chrill miniflred vntovs occafion of finne,,in that he hath caufed vs to renounce the ìuffice of the law ? Godfor- bid, that is , ye doe all hold it with me as a blafphernie, that. Chriff fhould be the minifter offinne. / o I The argument then is framed thus. If beeing iuflified by Chriff , we remaine ruiners , and arefurther to be iuffified by, the law , then Chriff is the minifter of finne : but Chriff is no. I minifter offinne : therefore they which are iuflsfied,needenot further to be iutlified by the law. I5 Thevfe. Firfl, we tearne hence , that it is a blafphernie to make Chriff the minifter of finne, who is theminifier of righ- teouftes , yea iuflice it kite. Ifs. 53.1 r . Dan.9. 2 5.11e brings e. uerlaffing righteote/nes. Ioh. 1. He it theLambe of God that takes away thelbws of the world. Of this all theProphets glue tear. 20' manic. A&. r o. 43. TherefòreAtheifis areno better then de. Mils, that recken him among the false Prophets of the world. And many of them that profefre Chriff are greatly to be bla,. mcd, that make Chrill the greatefl !inner in the world : be- caufe Chriff died for them : therefore they prefusne of merde, 2 and takelibertie to hue as they lift. Againe, Paul here teacheth, that they which are iufllfied úgß Chriff, are perfe1ly to be iutlified and neede not further to be iuffified by any thing out ofChriff ; as by the workes of the law. It may be obiehted, that they which are iufiified feele 3o themfelues to be finners. Rom. 7.14. An/.' The conuptien of original ftane, is in them that arc iufiificd : yet is it not impu- ted to them by God , and withall, it bath reccittcd his deadly woundby the deathofChriff. Therefore they which are iuili- fied, arenot reputed finnersbefore God.Againe,it may be (1- ;5 ieeted , that theywhich arciufiified, muff confefle themfelues to be finners to the very death. fof Confeffionof fume is not a caufe, but a way for the obtaining of ardon.Prou.23.t 1. ;oh. r. 9. The vncouering of our f P es is the way to caner them, before God. The frnnes thereforeofmen iutlified, vp- on their humble and feriousconfeffion.,.arenot fïnnes irnpu_ R 3 _ ted, 133