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134 Chap.2. ACommeutarie vpors ted, but cowered. Vpon this doarine itfollowes, that there is nota fecond iu- ffifcation,by workes., as thePapas teach. For he that is iulli- fied byChrift, is fully iuflified, and neede not further be iuftr- fied by any thing out ofChrift, as by the law. Againe, the fame, S perlons teach , that our finnes are done away by the death ofl Chrift,andwe iuflified inour baptifine : and that ifwe fall,and finne after baptifine, wemutt doe workes of-penance that we may fatisfie Gods iuftice,and be further iuflified by our works andfufferings. But then , by their francs , after weare iuflified to byChrift, wearefound frnners, andwe arc further to bejai- led,by our owne workes. Now this is thepoint, which Paul here confutcth. Again , by this doetrine welearne, that Chrift alone is by himfelfe fufficient., for our iu(hfication. Inhim(faith Paul) are 15 we complete, Co1.2.s4.He is a well ofgrace and life neuer dried vp.Ioh.4. t 4. Thirdly,we mutt content our felucs with him a- lone, andwith hisobedience for our iuftification , defpifing(in refpeet ofhim) all merits, and fatisfaCtions done byman. Laftly , here we fee what mutt be the care of men in this zo world, namely,to leeke to be iuflified by the faith of Chrift. It was Pauls principal( delre to befound inthrift, halving not his owne righteonrfnes , but the righteonfnes which is by the faith o Chri1l.Phil. 3. t o. The like delire fhouldbe in vsall. 18 For ifI build againe the thins, Z which I hauedeftroied , I make my felfe a tranferreffour. By things 4el?royed, Paul meanes the workes, or the iufticeof the law, as appeares by thenext verle following, where rende- ring a reafon ofthishe faith , by the law1am eleadlo the law. There words, depend on the former thus. Paul had laid be- fore,that Chrift was not a minifter offinne vnto vs : and here heprooues it thus. He that builds, theinflict of the lawwhich hebath deftroied, is aminifter offinne , or makes himfelfe a inner: but the Iewes , andPeter by hisexample build the in- flict of the law, which they haue deftroied , and fo Both not Chrift : Therefore the Iewes, andPeter, make themfelues fin- -_ Hers,. 35