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the Epsfile to theÇalatians. Chap. The fecond rule : we muff in this world come as necreheauen and the happines of life euerlafting,asmay be. Pfal. 3. t4. And for thiscaute we mutt ioyne our (clues to theaflemblies where the word is preached , praier made , and facramentsadtnini- fired : for there is the gateof heaue). Confider thepra(ttfe of Mofes,Hcb. r 1.25,i6. and of Dauid,Pfal.84. z o.Againe,bce- ingabfent from heauen both in bodie and foule, yet wemutt haue our conuerfation there,by thecogitation of our mindes, and by the affectionsofour hearts. Phil. 3.2 z . 10 I That we may liuegodhly, fowl rules muff be remembrcd: + The fiirfl : we malt bring our felues into thepretence of the IinuifibleGod: yea,we muff fet our thoughts, wills, affe ìions, and all we doe in his fight and pretence : and we. muff euer- more remëber whatfoeuer wedoe, that we haue to deale with z5 God hitnfelfe. In this regard Enoch is laid to walks withGod, ; Gen. 5. 24. dl4rahamandDane before God, Gen., 7.1 .and48. I 15. and Dauid, Plal. i 16. 9. and t 39, all. and Cornelius, Mt. t 0./ 3. and-Paul,2.Cor.7.r7. The fccond: we muff take knowledge of the will of 20 God in all things, whether it be reueaied in the word, et by anyeuent. h is not enough to know Gods will , but when time and place ferues, we muff acknowledge it. Rom. 12. 2. The third : we mutt bring our felues in fubialion to the 25 knownewill of God , and captivate all our fenfcs vnto it and fuffer God to fetvp his kingdoms invs.Rom. i 2.1. The fourth: whenwe haue offendedGod,we muff inflant- ly humble our felues beforehis maieflie, confefling our offen- ces, and making inftant deprecation for merde. Thus did Ez' 30 ra,chap.9.and Daniel,chap.9.andDauid,Pfa1.32. ;. The fifth : in all our miferies and aduerfities, wemull be fi. lent in our hearts , by quietingour wills in the good will of God. Pfal. 4.4. Examine yourfe/ues,andbe11111.P1111; 7.7. befi- lentto leho,sa. Confider theexample ofAaron, Leuit. i o. 3. of Dauid,Pfal. 3 9.9. of the Iewcs,Aî.1 35 The fixth : in all things we doe or fuffer , we muff depend on the goodnes, prouidence , andmerge of God, for the Inc. ce%ot our labours, and for cafe or deliveranceout oftniferie. This is ro linebyfa:rh : and, as Peter faith, z . Pet.3. z 7. tofaneli- Te Godinstir hearts. S2 The 139