Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

i4o Chap. 2. ACowimentarie vpou TheTaft : in all things we mu(l iuepraifc and thankcs to God : and that for our miferies,andafitl;ions,lob 1.22. for in thenr,Godmingles his iutlice, with mercie, whereas hemight vtterly condemne vs. Thatwe may liue Willy in refpeEl ofmen,two rulesmuff be obferued. The firft : we muff make GodinChri¡t,our trea fureand our portion , and his fauour and blcfTng,our riches. Then (ball not thevile finncs ofauarice, and ambition, beare fway in vs : and then (hall we lcarne with Paul to be content in anyeflate,Phil.4. t I. becaufe howfoeuer theworld go,we haue our portion and treafurc. The fccond , we mutt loue God in louing of man : andCane him in doingferuice to men by the offices and duties of our callings. They which labour in their callings for this end to get riches, honours, and to fet vp themh. fettles in this world , prophane their callings, andpraaaiçe iniu. ¡lice. For not fclfe loue , but loue to God, in duties of loue to men,mufl beare fwayin all our anions. Thus we fee what it is o lime to God. Now we are all to be exhorted, to order our hues in thismanner. For firft ofall, we are Gods : and therefore wemall glorifie God both in °air bodies andfaties, ;. Cor. 6. 2o. Secondly, the end ofouriuflification and redemption is , that we may hue to God. And it is great wickednes to perucrt the order ofGod, by liuing to our (dues and the lotis of our hearts. Thirdly, therebe three degrees of life : one is in this life,a fpirituall and a renewed life : the fecond in death , when the bodie goes to the earth, and the foule to heauen : the third,in the laff judgement, when bodie and foule reunited, enter into the prefenceof God. Therefore that we may be faucd , we muff hue vntoGod in this life : for we can neuer come to the fecond degree oflife, but by the firfl. And wemuff not imagine , thacwe can fleppe immediatiyout ofa lend and wickeirlife, into euerlafling happines in heauen. Laftly , the grace of God in the minitlerie of the Goapei bath appeared , and long taught vs-, and calledvpon vs,tohue vnto God. Thereforevnleflewe be afhamed and confounded for our 1innes,andbeginns with all fpeede to liuevnto God,it will be worfe with vs,thenwith Sodomand Gomorrha,and many other nations. 20° I amcrucified" with Chrift Ttiús ï 10 ts 20 27 30 35.