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Chap.2. f! Comrs?entarie vpon Paul faith in the time prefent , Lon crucified withChrijf. There are like phrafes in Paul , We are deadwith Círit : the are ;Vim wirbbiro: wefit with bim inheavenly places. Eph. 2.6. Col. 3.1. and theyare in the famemanner to be expounded. Moreouer, the benefits that wife of this communion with Chrill in his i .pafion, are two. One is., Iujlafácatirn from all our finites, Rom. 6.7.The fecond, is c.2fortification offinne by the vet tut: of the death ofChr.ifl, after weare ingrafted into him.Thus much of themeaning. Thevie. Superflitious perfons take occáfion by thepafíion to of Chritl, to timevp themfelues to forrow , compaflion , and teares , by confidcringthe pitiful! handling of Chrift, the for - row that pcarced the heart ofthe virgin Marie,and the crueltie of the Iewes. But this is a humane vie, that may be made of -- eeryhiflorie. I The right vfe is this : we are in.minde and meditation to confider Chrift crucified : and firfl , we are to belecue , that he was crucified for vs. This beeing done , we mull goc yet fur- ther, and as it were fprcad our felues on the crofIe of Chrift, belecuingand withall beholding our felues crucifiedwith him. 20 Thouwilt fay,this is a hard matter,I cannot doe it.I fayagaine, this is the right praefife offaith : Witte therefore to be fetled in this , that the bodie ofthy finne is crucified with Chrifl. Pray inflantly by asking , feeking, knocking, that thoumatt' thus bcleeue. This faith , and perfwafion ,is of endles vie. Firfl,ít is 25 the foundationofthy comfort. If thou belecue thy ielie to be crucified with Chrift:thou (haltfee thy felfe freed from the do- minionof the law and finne , from hell , death, and condem- nation ; and to thy great comfort (ball fee thy felreto triumph ouer all thy fpirituall enemies. For this Chritl doth, Col. 2.14. 30 and thoudoll the famci, if thou be fetled in this , that thou art crucified with him. Secondly, vpon this perfwafion,thou (bait fcele the vertue ofthedeath ofChrifl to kill finne in thee, and to raife thy dead foule to fpirituall life. When the Sunamites child was dead,Elifha went and layvpon him applying face to ;ç face,hand to hand, andFoote to Foote : and thenhis Herwax- ed warme, and rcuiued, t .King. 4.34. euen foapplie thykite toChrif} crucified, hand to hand,foote to foote,heart toheart; and thou (halt feeleinthy Idle adeath offinite, and theheat of {piritualllife towarme and inflame thy-deadheart. Thirdly,if( those