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theEpille to the CÇalatiant. Chap.2. Íthus I liue, yet not I any inure, ' ut thrift liues in me . And in that I now liue in the flefh. , I liue by the faithofthe forme ofGod, who lhath lowedme,andgiuenhimfelfe forme. Whereas Paul Paid before, lamdead to the law, here he de- 1o i Glares the reafonof it , when he faith , I amcrucified trithChri/1.. Again; here Paul Pets downe the true preparation to fpirituall life. For God firft kills, and then he makesaline. And the urea- Cure of fpirituall life , is according to the decay of originali finne. This preparation , (lands in two things : the fiat is , fd- r 5 lowfhip with Chrifi in his croffe, and Paf(son, in therewords, I am crucified with C,hrift.The fecond, is Abnegation,or Armi- hilation(as Comecall it)in there words, Nor1any more. I amcrucifiedwith Chriff. ao Far the better vnderflandingof therewords , wemutt ob- ferue, firfi ,thatPaul fpeakes not this of himfelfe particularly,1 but he fpeakes in the perfon of the Chriflian Iewes,before whome he now reafoneth withPeter : nay in theperron of all beleeuers. For all thatbekeueare hurledinto húdeath. Rotn.6.- 25 4. Sccondly,it muff' beobfcrucd,that Paul fpeakes this ofhim. Idle notas he is a man confining- of bodie andfoule, but as he is a finnercarrying about him the bodieof finne. Rom. 6.v.6. Further , it maybe demanded`, vpon what ground he fhould fay, Iam crucified"with Chrill ? Anf. There be two reaCons of 3o this (peach. One is, that Chrifi vpon the croffe,flood not as a privateperfonS, but as a publicke perfon,in the roome , place, and fiead'ofall the Elel: and therefore when he was crucified, all beleevers were crucified in him ; as in the Parlament , when the BurgefTe glues his voice , thewholecorporation is raid to 35 content by him, and in him. The fecond reafon is this. In the conuerfionofa (inner, there is a reali donation of Chriff, and all his benefits vnto vs : and there is a reali vnion,wherebycue - ry beleeuer is made one with Chrifi.Andby venue of this vni- on, the crofTeand pafftonofChrifi, is as verily madeours, as if if we had bcenc crucified in our owne perlons. Hereupon s, 3 Pàñl` :41