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the Epaflle to the Galatians. Chap _ as wel as our Sauiour.He is a Pricfl to procure lifc,a prophet to teach the way of hfe,a Lord to command them to walkcin the way ofltfe.The fault of our times:All men profèf è Chrif}: yct many allowe ofnoChril,but oftheir ownc dcuifing: namely, 5 a Chrifi that muff be a Sauiour to definer them from hell , but not a Lord to commaund them;that they cannot brooke. The fecond caufe why Chrifi is called or'r Lord, is to fignife the perlons to whornc grace and peacebelon? , and they are fuch as acknowledge Chriff for their Lord , and ycild fubieE ion to Io him in heart and iife.They finde refl to their foules , that take Vp the yoke of Chrif} in newe obedience, and the patient bea- ring of the Croffe,Math. i r.v. 29. 4. Who gate himfelfe for our 15 Bittes, that he arli rht deliuer vs out ofthisprefent euill world, according to the will ofUod our father. 5. To whore be glorie for euer and euer ,Amen. In trefewords,the fecond argument is propounded, where- 2,5 by Chrill is ciefcribed,nanrely the ef-}ter of Chrif},which is,tbat he gatehirìi1íefe. And he is (aid to giue hin felfe for two caufes. Firfl , becaufe he prefented himfcl!eas a price and facrif;ce for finne to God the Father , Math.20. 28. Eph. S. 2. 1. Tim. 2.6. The fecond,becaufe he did publikcly propound and let forth 3o himlelle to the world, as a facrifceandpriceofredemption. Ro31.3.25.Ioh.3, 14.afdAfi.4.r z. In this giuint there are flue things to becöfidcred.The fit f}, the gluer, (Thrifl:the fecond, the thing giuen, and that is (Thrill himfelfe.The third is,the ende ofhis Bitting, for finne , that is, 35 that he might make fatisfaìion for our flours . The fourth is, anotherend ofhis (gluing, that he might deliuer vs out of this prefent euil world.Here thepreheat world lignifies the corrupt elate ofnr,ë,that hue according to the lulls oftheirown hearts. r.Ioh.2. r 6.And menare here Paid to bedeliucred &takéout of the world,when they are feu-ered from the condition of¢inn full J. - . I ac 1 20 i3 rr, a...,,,.,e,-,.,a..