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14 Chap. r. ACemmenearie vean men by fanEtification,and ncwnes of life, and bydiuineprote- Elion, whereby they arcpreferued frommill after they arc fan- Etificd.Tit.2.14.and Ioh. t 7J 5. And this deliuerance is not in this life in refpcft ofplace , but in refpe 1 ofgHaliaie. The fifth thing,is the caufc that mooned Chrilt to glue himfelfe,and that 5 is the will ofGod. In the 5. verfe there is (et downe a corollarieor conclufion, which containes the praile ofGod. The vfe followes. Whereas Chrifl is the giuer ofhimfelfe, hence it followes that his death and facrifice was voluntaric. 10 And this he (hewed in two things. When he was to be attach- cd hefledde not, but went to a garden in the mount, as his cu- flome was, which was knownc to Iudas, Ioh.i 8.2. And in the very feparation of bodie and foule, he cried with a loud and flrongvoice, which argued that he was Lordofdeath , & died 15 becaufe his will was to die. This mull be remcmbred. For o- therwife his death had not beene a fatisfacìion for finne. In that Chrifi gaue himfelfe to be a facrifice , we learne ma- ny things. Firft , that the worke of redemption cxceedes the worke of creation. For in the creation , atilt gane the crea- 20 Mures to man; in the redemptionhe gane hirrifelfe, and that as a facrifice. Secondly in that he gaue himfelfe, it appeares that he _gaue neither angel, nor meere man, nor any thing out of hire felfe; and that all merits of life,and fatisfaaions for finne,are to be reduced to the perfon of Chrift : and confequec by that 25 there be no humane fatisfaelions for finne , nor meritorious workes donebyvs : becaufe they pertaine not to the perfonof Chrifl , but to our perlons : and they were neuer offered of Chrifl vnto God as merits and fatisfaelions, becaufe he gaue nothing but himfelfe , and the things which appertainedveto 30 his owne perfon. Thirdly, in that Chrifl glues himfelfe, we mull take,and recciuc him with hungeringhearts. Nayhe is to fufer violence ofvs , and the violent are to take him to them- (dues. Laf}ly, in that he giues himfelfe to vs , we againe muff glue our bodies and foulesvnto him in way of thankefulnes, 's 5 and dedicate all that we haueor can doe to the good ofmen. The creatures at our tables prefcnt vs with their bodies : and fo mull we prelent our bodies, andConies to God. The fttfl ende ofthis gluing is, that Chrifl might be a facri- fice,and ranfome for finne. Theknowledgeof this point is of great