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164 'Chap.;. .fiCon,rmntarievperr is, that here.the Spirit lignifies the fpirit ofadoption. Eph. x. 1-3. Rom. S. i 6. The third is , that to recciue the fpirit, is not barely torecciue thegifts of the fpirit,(aswe arcPaid tohauethe funne in thehoule , whenwe recciue the beanies of the boche of the funnebeefing in heauen :) but in this recciuing, there are S two things. One is , that the fpirit is.prefent in vs ; the other, that the fame fpirit teflifieth his prefence,by his fpeciall opera. tion, and giftsof grace. Paul faith , Eph. 4.3 o. Greenenot the fpirit. Which is not meant ofgifts,but ofthe very perfon of the fpirit. And it mull be rernembred, that the effceîs andgifts of to the fpirit, prefuppofe the prefenceofthe fpirit. By warkesofthe 14w, %ware to vnderftand , thedoí rineof iuflification by the workesof the law. By t'e hearingoffaith,is meant thedoûrine ofthe Gofpel : hearingbeeingput for the thing heard,namely, preaching : and faith., for thedoftrinc of iullification by faith is inChrift crucified. Forfaith lignifiesnot onely the gift where- bywe beléeue, but allo that which is beleeued. In the third verfe, f iris lignifies the operation of the fpirit, whereby the inward man is renewed,and made like toGod;or againe,the Exercifcsofthe inward man: andf eth figniftes out 20 b ward things, oraCtions,that properly pertains to theoutward man, as circuit-rot-ion, and liera like. Thus x. Cor: r. z 7, fleA, and the new creatr+Te are oppofed. And Paul faith,Rom.9.29. He ira Ten', that isai ten, within,in thefpirit, hewing the cirooncift- on ofthe heart. To-henunne in the f irit, is to beginne in godlincs 25 and religion,itnwardly in the cxercilesof the renewed heart. The ,In there words, is contained thefrit argue ment , whereby Paul prooues the truth of his doettine. It is framed thus Ifye rcceiued the fpirit bymy do&rive, my do faine is true, and yefoolilh that adde vnto it , iuftification by 30 the workes of the law:. but ye rec.eiued the fpirit by my do- &rine : therefore it is true , andye deale foolifhly that haue ad- ded toit iuflification by workes. The rnaior or full propofition , is not expreflcd, but the proofs thereof in the thirdverfe, thus: it is apoint ofextreame follie when ve haue begun in the fpirit,to end in the fiefh :ther- fore it is folly in.youhauing received the fpirit bymydoftrine, to adde any thing vnto it of your owns. The vfe. WhenPaul faith , Let me learn one thingofyou, he notes the fault of the Galatians, and offundrie others, wh© when