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the Epy1le to the Galatian,.. Chap.3. 165 when they haue attained to a certainc tneafurc ofknowledge inGods word, are prcfently puffed vp withpride , and often thinke thcwfelueswifer then their teachers. Thiswas the fault ofthe Corinthians, e. Corr. 8. t o. and of fundrie in our dales, 5 who feparate wholly from all our congregations,prefitmin g to know that which theyneuer learned of their teachers. That this onerweening pride maynot take place, we muff ioyne the knowledge of our flues, with theknowledge ofGcds word, and mixe our knowledge with loue. For loue (defier., andbare to ¡nowledgefwells the heart. Againe, here when it is faid, Receiuedye thefpirit . that is, ye did not receiuc the fpirit by the workesof the law , but by the hearingoffaith. Here,I fay,we fee the difference betweene the law,and the Gofpel. The lawdoth not minifler the fpirit veto 15 vs: for it onely fhewesour difeafe , and giues vs no remedie. TheGofpel rniniflreth the fpirit. For it fhcwcswhat we are to doe : and withal! the fpirit is giuen,to.make vs doe thatwhich weare inioyned in the Gofpel. Here alb) we ]carne , that thepreaching of-the Gofpcl;is ne- zo ceflarie for all men,becaufe it is the Inflrument of God to con - ferre the fpirit. While Peter);uyet , thefpirit ofGodfell vpan the Gentiles, A-et r o; 44. Paul faith,his sflerie it themi mflerie ofthefpirit, 2.Cor. 4.5.fauing theminiflers and others. t. Tim: 4.16. And the moll learned haue needeof this ordi- 25:. nance of God. For fuppofe they haue knowledge fuf"ricient, yet hauetheyneede ofthe fpirit ofGod toguide, and gouerne them. Further , let it be obferued, what is the feope.of all our hea- ring , and teaching : namely ,that wemay receìue the fpirit of 3o God : without which fpirit,we can doe nothing.. Moreouer, Paul here fees downean infallible argument, } whereby we may be affured that the Scripture is the word of God. For the fcriptures in their right vfe(which is. in reading, I hearing; meditation) haue the diuine and fupernaturall ope- 35 ration ofthe fpirit ioyned with them., to comfort inall diflref- /fes,and Mein very pangofdeath, and, to conuert the, heart of man , makinghim in refpo&of righteoufncs, andholines like untoGod; This priuiledge_haue theScriptures,Ifa.59.2Land noword cis. Lafily,let vs here obfcruethe cortenmarke oftrue religion: X..3