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theEEpi(fle to the ÇCalatians. Chap.3. theyare bleffedthatfufferfor righteoufnet. Paul commends him. $elfe by the multitude ofhis fuffcrings. z.Cor. i i. i 3. Againe, it may be demanded , how longwemull fuffer ? Anf. Euen to the fheddingof our blood , if it be for the refilling of lime. S Heb. t z.4. Laflly,itmay be Gide, how fhall webe able to doe this ? Anf. God isfaithfull,andwill not lay on vsmore thenwe 'ball be able to beare.i .Cor.i o.3.Bythis we are admonifhed,not to make a reckoning in this world , of plcafure , and delight, as though the Gofpcl were a Gofpelof cafe, and as we vfe to fay, SO agofpel madeof velvet; but curry one of vs muff take vp his ownecroflc.Luk.9.23. If thou wilt bemy difciple, denis thyfelfe, takevp thy croffe : that is , the particular af}3iaion,and miferie, which God laies on thee. Agatne ,if in thisworldwe mull be fuffcrers by condition , then indifentions,and differences ,wc E g mayneither giuc nortake the chalcnge, but muff becontent to beare and put vp wrongs, and abufes. Cooly, in thefe dales of our peace, we mull Tooke fordales oftriall, andaffliaion. For asyet wehaue fuffercd little for the name ofChrifi. The har- ucfi of the Lord bath bin among vs , more then fourtie yeares: 20 therefore (no doubt) the timeof thrcfhing, fanning, and grin- dingcomes on,that as the Martyr laid, we maybe goodbread to the Lard. And that we may be able to fuffer for thenameof God, wemuff pray for this gift at Gods hand. For power to fuffer is the gift ofGod, Phil. r. 29. and we muff obfcrue the g commandementof God, not tofeare the terrours a'men. Reu. t. Pet. 3. 1.4. And for this caufe we muff (as Peter faith)fanEfifie God in our hearts : becing allured by our faith of theprefence, protetìion,and prouidence ofGod. WhenPaul faith, Houseyefufferedfo many things ? he fhewes that we muff endure manifold miferics in this life. Iacob Paid toPharao, his dales werefew andmill. e.21any are the afftliions ofthe righteous. PGl. 34.2 0. Ckrill faith,7 vp thy croffe emery day, Luk. 9. z 3. and thereby he liignif`ies , that every new day that comes ouer our heads , wemuff looke for a new croffe. g And for this caufe , it is notenough tobe patient for a fit, but we muff thew all patience, and long fuffering , and that with ioyfulnes.Col.r, a r. WhenPaul faith, flameyefufferedfomany things invaine? he lignifies, that our fufferings arc of;rent vfe , vnleffc our (inner be thehindrance. It may then bedemanded, what is thevfe of Y r our