Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

170 Chap.3. e!Coinmentarie"Pon our fufferings ? The Papif}s anfwer , that in our baptifine or firfl conu.crfion,Chrifl fufferings doe all, & abolifh the whole fault and punifhment : butif we finne after our conuerfion, then,they fay, Chrifls fufferingsabolifh the fault, and the cter. nail puniflxnent, and our owns fufferings, abolifh the tempo- rall punifhmcnt. But this dofìrine Jefïens , and obscures the merde of God : and it muffbe obferued, thatPaul holds all their fufferings tobe in vaine, that recite remifiîonof firmes, or iuftificatiion, in any thing,out ofChriff. Nowwe for our parts, make fiue other vies ofour fuffe. rings. First, they (crue for trial! of men , that it may appcare what is hidden in their hearts. Dent. 8.2. Secondly,they fcrue for the corrcCtionofthingsamifl'c in vs. i Third. ly, they ferue as documcnts,andwarnings toothers,fpecially in publikeperfons thus Dauid fuffers many things afterrepen- tance, for hismurtherand adulterie. Fourthly,thcyare marker ofadoption, ifwe be content to obeyGod in them. Hcb. i 2. 7. Lafily, they arc the troaden andbeaten way to thekingdom of heauen.Act. 4.2 3. WhenPaul faith, If theybe in verne , we are toobferue his moderation. He reprooues and terrifies the Galatians, yet fo as he_is careful! to.prcferue the hope ofmerde in them,and the . hopeoftheir amendment in himfelfe. The like bath bin the praftife ofthe Prophets. Ionas prcacheth ,yetfourtiedaies and Niniuie Mall be defiroied: but withall he addes, It may be the Lordwillrepent,and turnefrom hitferce wrath; Ion. 3.. 9.. Peter faith to SimonManus,Thouart :in thegallof6itternes:but with- al! he addcs,Tray Cod thatthe thought ofthyheartmay beforgi- stenthee.AEt.8.2 r. See the like Ibel 2.1.4..andAmos 5. r 5. And thus are Miniffers ofthe Gofpel to delay and qualifie their reproofes, and cenfures. 5 He thereforethat mintftreth to the fpirit, andworketh miracles amongyou, cloth. he it by the works ofthe law,or by thehearingoffaithi: Thefe wordsarea repetitionofthe fccond verfe,whence the expofitionmuff be fetched. Thewords [andworketh miracles S 11 sa 2f ro 31