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the Epiftie to the galatians. Chap.3. 171 amongyov]areadded: and theycarriethis meaning ; That God gave to the Galatians, not onely the fpirit of adoption, but al- to other extraordinaric gifts of the fpirit, as to fpcake with ftrange tongues, to curt difeafcs, and fuch like. Repetitions inScripture arc not idle, but ofgreat vfe, and fignific vntovs theneccfli tic ofthe thingrepeated , and the in- fallible certentie of it. The fubf}ance therefore of this verfe muff carefullybcrcrnembred, and that isthis. Yc receiued the fpirit bymy doctrine : therefore it is true,andofGod.The ar- gument is ofgreat vfe. For by it we come to an infallibleafÏu- rance ofthe Certentie of thc Scriptures , and of truc religion derived thence. The Galatians are now revolted from Pauls doctrine,and theyarc in the foundation : andyet Paul faith in the timepre- 15 Pent , He that minifireth the fpirit vetoyou. Hence it appeares, that falls of infirmitite in thechildof God,doenot vtterly ex- tinguifh the fpirit, but onely grieue, or snake fadde the fpirit. Againe, Paul here teacheth, that G od is thc onely and pro- per author ofmiracles. For he that miniflreth the fpirit, wor- a® keth miracles, namely God. Amiracle is , aworkc aboue the ftrength ofnature : therefore it can be effeEtedofnone but the author ofnature. It maybe obiefted, the Apof les, Prophets, and others, had a gift to worke miracles. Iofua commanded the ['uncle to {land, Ioc t o. s 2. and Elias commanded fire to 2,5 comedowne from heaven, 2.king. T. Anf. God neuergaue to any man power to worke and efcEt a miracle,either mediately or immediately. The gift was thc faith of miracles. The faith was grounded vpon=elation : and the reuelationwas , that God hirnfelfe would workc fuch or fuch amiracle, when they 2.0 praied, commanded, or impofed hands. Men thereforepro- lperly,are but the mouth of God , and mefl-cngers to fignific what he will doe. Againe, it may be obicfted , that the deuill can workemiracles. He can workea wonder,or things lextraordinarie, in refpec;: of the ordinarie courte of nature. S iThus "he canted -fire to fall from heaucn: and hecaufed vlcers Ito arife in thebodie of lob ,and that truevlcers. And this he did by the force of nature, better knowne tohim, then all the world. But as for a truemiracle , that excecdes the flrcngthof nature , he cannot poflibly doe it : no not Chrill hitni'clfc, as man, though he be exalted aboue all men and angels. By this "Y 2 WC