Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

16 Chap.'. ACommentarievpon in' heauen. Reuel. i 3.6. the beaft out of the fea perfequutes them that dwell inheauen, that is , fuch as dwell on earth and for affection haue their conucrfation in heauen. AndPeeing this mutt be fo,wc muff not lone the world, but loue the cotta- mingof Chrift, andcurry day prepare our felues againft the dayofdeath,that we mayenter intoour owne home. And whereas Paul calls this world an esill world, he Both it to lignifie that there is nothing in menbut finne, till they be regenerate , yea that ciuill vertues, andciuill life, that are excel- lent in the eyes of men, arc no better then finnes before God. It is the terrain- of the Papifls, that men may thinke and doe force thing that is morallygood without grace. The caufe that mooued Chrift to glue himfelfe , is the will ()Mod. Hence it appeares that God glues Chrift to no man for his forefeene faith , or works. For there is no highercaufe of the will of God. The foreknowledge of things that may come to pafl-e, goes before will , but the foreknowledge of things that &hall come to palle , and therefore the foreknow- ledge of faith, and works,followes thewï11 ofGod. Bccaufe things that íhall cometo pafíre arc firft decreed, and then fore- feene.. The will here mentioned, is faid to be the will of God, that is, the firff perfon,thc father : for when Chrift is oppofed to God, then God fignifies the father. Andhe is molt common- ly calledGod , becaufe he is Godwithout communicationof the godhead from any : whereas the Sonne andholy Ghoft are God,by communication of godhead from the father. And this God, is called oar father byPaul. Andhereby he fignifies that the fcopeofthe Gofpel is;firft,topropoundGod vntovs not only as acreator,but as a father: fecódly,to inioyne vs to acknowledgehim to beour father in Chrift : and conic- quently to carrie our felues as dutifull children to him in all fubiefìion and obedience. Theywhichdoe not this,know not the intent ofthe Gofpel: and if theyknow it,in dcede they de. nie it. The conclufion annexed to the falutation (rewhom beglo-' rie for euer) teacheth vs fo oft as weremember theworke of our redemptionby Chrift , fo oft mull we glue praife & thaks toGod: yea all our hues mutt be nothingels but a teflimanic of thankfulnes for our redemption. And all our praife and thankcs' S to 20 2S 30 3S