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NNW the 40 l to the GalAtiato. Chap.!. f 17 thankesto God , mull proceede from the ferious,affiCtionof \ the heattfignifiedby thc word,Arnen:that is,fo be it. 6. I maruell that you are fo foone 5 remooued away toanother Gofpell, from him that hath called you in the grace ofChrift. -TO 7. Which is not another Gofpel: but that fome troubleyou , andin, Is tende to ouerthrowe the Gofpell of .Chrift. Here beginnes the fecondpart of theEpifile , in which be glues inn:lie:bon to the Galatians. And it bath two parts: onc 2° concernes dearine,the other manners.Thefirft part touching doarineibeginnes in this fixt verle, and continues to the I 3. verle orthe 5.chapter. The funimc of it is a reproofeofthe Galatians for moltingfrom the Gofpell:and it is difpofecl in this fyllo.gifine. 25 IfI beimmediately ca/ledofGod to teach , andmy dotirine-he trtee,ye ought not to haue reuoltedfrommy doilrine. But Amcalledimmediately ofGod to teach,and my dottrine ii true.ThereforeyeAmid not haue rewiredfrommy dottrine. Thepropofition is not exprefred :hecaufe it was needeleffe. 3° Theminor ishandled:through thewhole Epiftle.TheConclu- fion is in the 6.and 7.verfes,themeaning whereof I will briefe- ly deliuer.Sofoone]that is,prcfently after my departure. ram°. rted]carried awayby theperfvvafions offalfe soother Gorpol.3 toanother doEtrine of faluation , which in the fpeech 35 and opinion of the falle teachers,is another manner ofG°Tel, morefufficient and more excellent, then that which Paul hath debuered.Fronkin)] that is , fromme beeinci, 'anApoffle, who haue called you by preaching theGofpell of Cbria. In the grace] that is, haue called you freely , without any debit of yours,to bepaztakersofthe fauour ofG-od-in GiriPt. which/ is - t C