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theEpifle to the Galatians. Chap. 3. The ground befhre namedof the double fulfillingof the law, one for this life, theother for the hie to came, is falle. For there is onely onegeneral] , and vnchangeable fentence of the law, Cterfd rs etser) one that continues not small things trritten firs the lam to doe them. I now come to otherc fes of the former concluf:on. If the law be impollibie , then muff we fecke for the fulfilling.ofit, forthofour felues,inChrift,rrho is theende ofthe lamfor righte- oufner,r,, them that belecue, Hence it followes neceflarily , that our iufhification muff be by the imputation,or application of EO Chrifts iuflicevnto vs. Becaufe we cannot fulfill the law , we mull make it a globe to fee our impotencie, and whatwe cannot doe:and it muff be our frhoolematler to dritte vs to Ghuiff. And byour impoten- cie we muff take nccafion to makepraier toGod for his fpi- 5 rit to finable vs to obey the lawes of God. Thuscome we tobe doers of the lay;sand no otherwife. Againe,ìt may be demanded,(confideringwe cannot fulfill the law,) how our works canpleafe God ? An/. In euery good worke , there is lomething that is Gods, and fomethino. that is ours alone. The Meet of the worke is ours alone, and that is pardoned to the belecucr. That which is good in the worke, is fromGod , and that he approoueth as bccinghis ovine. And thus euery good worke, is laid to pleafeGod. a Lailly , after that we haue begunne topleafe God inobedi- 5 ence to his 'awes confideringwe fulfill themnot, ail boafting of our goodnes muff be laidafde, and we muff humble our felues vnder the handofGodeuen to the death. Read the pia- Me c eofDauid,Iofal.t43.2.andPfal.t ;o.3Job9.r. 3o { it nd that no man is iu.fiiieds by the law in the fight ofGod, it is- man ifefr. For the iuft liueth by faith. It And the law is not offaith but he that (halt doe theft things,. shall liue in them. Themeaning. By the Ltw]that is;th'e law not ontlymemo,. 19;