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niall , but alto iudiciall and morall. Indeede theoccaíion of Pauls difputation in this place ,is taken from Circurncifron, pertainingto the ceremonial! law : but he inlarges his defputa- tion, romone part to thewhole law. For they which thought Ceremonies neccifarie to iuflification, would much more 1 c thinke morali duties necefrarie. And that Paul fpeakes here of themoral! , it appcares by the i o. verfc, wherehe alleadgeth a fentence that fpeciallyappertaincs to the morali law : Carfedis eucry orre,&c. Againe, the law may be confidered,twowaies,in the iufthfxcatïon ofa inner: firft,as it iuflifiethwithout Chrifl, to Secondly, as it iuftifieth with Chrift : and boil) waits it is ex- cluded from iuftitication , and here fpecially in the fccond re- gard. For the intent of the Galatians was, to ioync Chriftand the law, in the worke ofour iufhfication. Before God] that is, in thejudgement ofGod , before whole t$ judgement feat wemuff all appeare, andbe judged. The jog"WI hoehit faith. The fcope of theft words is this. The Iewes wereopprcffed by the Babylonians,and it was fur- ther told themby the Prophet, that they fhouldbe ledde into captiuitie, bythe faideBabylonians. Now in this diflrefre of to theirs, the Lord fete downe the dutie ofthe faithful! Iewes , namely, that they muff flay thcmfelues by their faith in the M.effias , and confequently , that they (hall haue fafctic in this life in the middeft of all dangers, and in the ende haue eternal! life. And Paul applies thistext to his purpofc, thus. Life etcr- :5 nail comes by faith : and therefore true righteoulnefFe before God is by faith. For rightcoufnes is the foundationoflife eter- nall : andtherefore it iscalled jollificationoflife.Rom. S. z 7. The law is Not offaith] Themeaningof thefewords mull be gathcred,by the oppofition in the latter part of theyak:but he, 30 thatcloth thefe thingslfiatll litre in thess. And the meaning isthis. The lawdoth not prefcribe faith in the Meflias : neither doth it promife life to him that beleeucth in theMc'flias, but tohim that doth the things contained in the law. In thefewordes , Paul addcs a new argument to the former, 35 thus. Iuflice is by faith : the law isnot of faith : therefore the lawis not our iufliice,Or again,thus.He that is iuflificd,is iufli- fied by faith:the law iufljfies noman by faith: therefore the law clothnot iuflifie. The conclufion is firfl, in the s r . verfc. The .propofition isexpreffed, and confirmedb Lthe teflirnonic of ih