Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

Chap.3 . ACorraentarievpon ouerfight in mifUaking the diflinetion ofthe Law and the G o_ fpel, is and hath bin , the ruine of thegospel. We mull hcrc further obferue, that°belceiling, anddoing,are oppofed , in the article of our iufhfication. In our good con, ucrfation they agree : faith goes before , and doing followes : but in theworke ofour iuíhfication, they are as fireand water. Hence I gather , that to the iuflifìcation ofa (inner, there is re- quired a fpeciall and an applying faith , for general! faith is nurnbredamont the works of the law: and the tiepins haueit. This kindofbelecuing therefore, and doing, are not oppofite. Againe,hence I gather, that works off<iith and grace, are quite excluded from tuflification; becaufe theoppofitíonBoth not (land bctweenc beleeuing, and the works ofnature: but Pimp. ly,betweenc beleeuing,and doing. Lallly , it may be demaunded, why the Lord faith, He :ha cloth the thing' efthe lamthalamic; confidering no man lince the fall, can doe the things ofthe law ? fnl The Lord lince mans fall, repeatesthe law in his old tenour, not to mockemen , but for other waightie caufes. The firf is , to teach vs that the law is of conf'fant, and vnchangeable nature. The fécond is, to aduertife vs, of our weaknes , and to Phew vs, what we cannot doe. The third is,to put vs in winde,that we mull (1:11 humble ï our felues veder the hand of Cod, after we hauebegunneby grace to obey the law; becaufe cuen then we corne farce film in doing the things which the law requires at our hands. 13 Chrifpath redeemedvs from the surfe of the law, when he was made a curie for -vs: (for it is written, Curled is eueryone that hangethon the tree.) 14. That the blefsingofAbraham might come to the Gentlles,through Chriít Iefus, that we might receiue' . the-,. á te 15 20 25, 30 3s