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the Epifaale te the Galatians. Chap. 3 . thepromile of the fpiritby faith. Paul haling prooued the truth of his doElrine by fundrie arguments, in the former part of this chapter, he here 2nfvve- 5 retie an obicetion, theoccaton whereof is from the t o. may be framed on this manner : if they' be accufed that conti- nue not in all things written in the law to doe them , then all men are accurfed : and the Gentiles are not partakers of the blefiing ofAbraham (as you haue laid.) Anfwer is here made, ao that to them that beleeue there is full redemption , from the curieof the law. And 2aul for thebetter inlightningofhis an- fwer, here makes a det, ription ofour redemption by fourc ar- guments. Thefiril is the author : gkrifi bath redeer:eel vs f ront, the çurfe of the lam. The fecond is the forme or manner ofour y Redemption, in theft words, Whenhe was made a curiefor us: And thisforme is further declared by the Ggn,in therewords: for it is written , Cu .[cd is every one that hangeth on the tree. The third argument is in the end , in thefe words, that the dlcffnq of Abraham might corne on the Gentiles. The laf. is alfo an other zo ende, that wemight receiase thepromife ofthe /pirit. Ì Touching the Author, in there words, Chilli bath redeemed I vsfrom the cleft ofthe Laro,fundrie things may be learned.,Furff ofall, comparing there words-with the i o.verfe, or comparing the anf,ver, and theobieetion together, we fee and Ilre.toob- 25 feaue, that the threatnings of thelaw,are to bevnderfloodwith anexception from the(3ofpel. All are curfcd,faith the law,that doe not continue todoe ali things written therein, Except they Haasepardon, and be redeemed byChrift, faith the Golpel. And thus areal) curies o` the law to be conceiued, with a limitation 30 or qualification, from the Gorpel. Againe , in that CChrifl hash redeemed vs from the curie of 71he law here is our comfort, that neither , hell ,nor deathh,t nor Sat t,hath any right or power otter vs,fo be it we do vnf?inedly beleeue in Ch,riUl. Fer we are boatQht with a price. A., ;or this caufe, we, mull be. adruonifhed , not to feare any,eut}i oucr- much, as the rcuthng3 -, and chiles of mill tongues, Witchcraft, the plague , penilence, famine, the fword, or death.. For,t tg. curie which makes all there , and many other things, hurtful ',nto vs, is remooued from than that are inChrifl. Aradthese- fore all immoderate feare fheuld be reffrained. _3 197