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she Epi!?le to the Ç'alatiant. Chap.1 2Y' owne. The Iewes bcfide the written lawofMofes, muff haue their Cabbala, containing, as they fuppofed, moremyfticall and excellent doectine. ThePapists betide the writtenword,fet vn- written Traditionwhich they make equall with the Scripture. 5 We that profefre the Gofpel,are not altogether free from this fault.We like, that Chrift ihould:bepreached: but fermons are not in common reputation learned, neither doe they greatly pleafe the molt, vnlefre they be garnifhed with skill ofarts, tongues, andvarictie of reading : this curionfnes and difcon. -to . tenement the Lordcondetimes , when he forbids plowingwith the oxe, and the affe, and the wearingofgarments oflinf:.rvolfir. And it is the worít kindof difcontrnent, that is, in things per- taining to faluation. It is called by Paul,the itching of thecare, and it is incident to them that follow their owne lusts. The re- a5; medie ofthis finne,is to learne the first lefron that is to be lean ned of them that are to be good fchollers in the fchoolc of Christ: and that is to feele our pouertie, and in what extreame swede we ftand-ofthe death and paffion ofChrift : and withal! tohunger, & thirll alierChr.ift, asthe bread,aud water of life. 10 Read Ifa. 44.3. 1011.7. 37. Pfal 25. r i . theexample of Dauid, Pfal. 143.6. When the heart andconfciencehath experimenj tally learned thisleffon,and not the braine,and tongue-alone : then fhall men besinne to fauour the things ofGod, and dif- cerne ofthings that differ, and puta difference betwenegrace, 25 and workes,mans word and Gods word, and for theworking oFour ialuation, efteeme of mans workes,and mans word, as offols that are cast to dogges. Paul addes,which in not another Gofpel, that is,though it be an other gospel in the reputation of false teachers,yet indeede it is- 3 o not an other,but is a fubucrfion oftheGofpel ofChrilt. F Iéce 1,11 gather, that-there is.but one Gofpel, one in number and no Imóre, For there is but one way of faluation by Chrilt , vtihere- by all the EIeet are faued, from thebeginningof the world to theende. AFL i 5. t I. t . Corao.3.It may be demanded, how 35. they ofthe old Teflament, could be partakers ofthebodie, 80 blood ofChrift,which then was not. Anlwer. Thebodie,and blood-ofChrift,though then it wasnet fubfifling in theworld, yet was it then prefent toall belccuers, two wales : firfl, by dig ulne acceptation : becaufe God`rlid accept the incarnation and paffionofChrift to come, as ifit had beetle accomplished. Se- C 3' condly, . Deut ins, 2.1121.41*.