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22 Chap. It. A Cnsnrvreeatarievpob condly, it wasprefent to them by meanesof their faith, which is fubfiRanccof things that arc not feenc ; and confccluently it makes them prefent to the belecuing heat t. Againe,hcnce it appeares, to be a falfbood, that Euery man may be fàued in his owne religion, fo be it, he hold there is a God, and that he is a rewarder of them that come vnto him. For there is but one Gofpel : and if' the former opinion were true, then fo many opinions; fo many gofpels. Paul faith, that the world by her wifdome could not know God inhis wif- dome , and for this caufc he ordained the preaching of the word to faue men, r . Cor. r . 21. And though he that comes to God muff beleeue that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that come to -him : yet not eucry one that beleeues generally that there is a God,and that he is a rewarder ofthem that come tohim, comes toGod: for this the deuills belecue. The fourth pointais concerning the Authors of this Reuolt: and Paul chargeth them with two crimes.The firft is,that they trouble the Galatians, not onely becaufe they make diuifions, but becaufe they trouble their confciences retied in the gofpel of ChriR . It may be alieadged , that there be fundriegood things which trouble the confcience, as the preaching ofthe law,thc cenfureofexcommunication,the authoritie of the ma- gifirate in compellingRecufants to the congregation.Ianfwer, .theft things indeede trouble the confciences of men , but they are mill confciences : and the ende of this trouble is that they may be reformed, and made good. But the crime wherevs ith the falfe-apolliesare charged,is,thát they trouble the confcien- ces ofthegodly, or thegood confciences of men. Here then is 'fit downe a note, wherebyfalfe,and erroneous dofirincs,may bedifcerned : natncly,that they ferue onely to trouble,and dif- quiet the good confcience. And by this we fee theRomane religion to be corrupt and vnfound : fora greatpart of it tends this way. Iultficationby workes is yoke that none could e- uer beare. Aa. t S. Thevoweof fngie life is as a (hare, or as thenoofc in the halter to firangle the foule. r.Cor. 7.34. So is the dofïrine which teacheth that men after their conuerfion, mull hilt romaine in fufpcnce of their faluation : and that par- I-don of finne, isneceffariiy annexed to conkflìon in thetart,& , tofatisfa1ionfor the temporal! punifhment of firm in' this ,life, or inpurgatory. On S re 5 20 25 30 35