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theEpifi'le to the Galati4nr; Chap.' . 23 On the contrary, theGofpell ofChrifl (as here it appeares) troubles not thegood confcience, but it brings peace and per- fdl ioy. John. i 5. i i . Rom. 15. 4. And the reafon is plaine for it niiniílers a perfea remedy for cuery finne, and comfort 5 sufficient for euery difireffe. And this is a note whereby the gofpelt is chfcerned from all other do(trines, whatfoeuer. The second crime where with the false - apostles are char, ged,is, that theyoucrthrow the gofpcll ofChrifl: the reafen of this charge mull be considered. They did not teacha doEìrinc o flat contrary to the G ofpell ofChrist : but they maintained it in word,andput anaddition to it of their owns out ofthe law, namely inflïfcation,and faluation,by the workes thereof. And by reafonofthis addition, Paul giucs the fcntence that they peruert , and turne vpfide downe theGofpell ofChrill.Vpon $ this ground it appeares that thePopish religion is a flat fubuer- fion ofthe Gofpell ofChrifl, because it ioynes iuffification by workes,with free iuflification byChris}. The excuse , that the works that iulify, are workesofgrace,andnot ofnature , will not ferue.the turne. For ifChat by his grace make workes to `2o iuflifie, then is he not onelya fauiour, but an an inflrument tomake vs fauiours ofour fclues : hebesing the frf},andprin- cipall fauiour, and we fubordinate fauiours, vnto him. But if Chrifl haut a partner in thewrke ofiuftification, and fàluati- on, be is noperfeEl Christ. 25 S. But thoughwe, or an an from heauen , preach vnto you o, therwife, then that which we haue preachedvntoyou,lethimbeaccui fed 9 Aswe Paidbefore , fofayhow agai-ne :ifany man preach Vnto you otherwife thenye liauèreceiiied, let himbe a.ccurfPd.