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theEpifleto the Çalatiant. .'Chap.rt1 37 rayottr Dam, namely Chri(1. And he is called the Rep- heard oftheJheepe, Hebr. i 3.20. His office is in three things. The firfl is, to rnanifefl and reucale thewill of the father tou- ching the redemption of mankind,Ioh.i.t8. &8.26. This he bath done from the beginningof theworld (the father neuer 5 fpeaking and appearing immediatelybut in the baptifine and transfiguration ofChrif )and thishe cloth to Paul in this place. The fécond is, to inflitate theMini aerie oftheword, and to call and fend Minitiers. myfather f stt vne, fofend1yet , IO 20.21. He it is that glues fame to be Pafiopr.r,fonce to be teach- er', Eph.4. t t . And thus appoints Paul to be an Apoflle. The third is, to teach the heart within,by illuminating the mind, and byworking a faith of the do(rine which is taught. He ope- neth the vnderflandin.gsof bis Dìfciples that they mayvnder. flatlet the Scriptures,Luk.24.45.Thus here he inlightneth and teacheth Paul. Furthermore,it mufl be obferued , that this office of teach- ing,is infeparably annexed to the perfon ofChrifl , and is by him accordingly exequuted euen after his afccnfion, as ap.-j 20 peares in the conuerfion ofPaul. And therefore Ifai faith, they, fhal16e alltaught ofGed, lfa. 5r}.t ;. Asfor theMinìflersofthe Golpel, they in teachingare no more but inflrumëts of Chrifl to vtter and pronouncetheword totheeare: this is all they ca. doe. Therefore Paul faith , he that planta or waters id not_any. 2 thing,6ut Cod that aitteth the increa/e. The teacher then proper! ly in the miniflerie of the new Teflament to the very ends of the world ,is Chrill hinifelfe. This mull teach vs reuerence in hearing Gods-word, and care with diligence in keeping ofit Hebr.2. i.,.2, 3, &c. Secondly this teacheth vs , that they which 30 imbrace not the Gofpel among vs , arecontemners of Chrit, and (hall indure eternall condemnation.Ioh.3. i 8:&Hebr.t 2. 25. Thirdly,ifwe want vnderflanding,wemuai pray to Chrifl for it;and becaufewe haue fo excellent a teacher,we mull pray vnto him that he would glue vnto vs hearing cares , that is, 3,5 hearts traElable, andobedient to his word,. that we may be fitte difciples fer fo.worthie a macler. The fecond is , that there be twawaieswhereby Chrifl tea cheth thole that are to be teachers. One is immediate rcuelati.. on; theother,is ordinarie inhIruEtion in fchooles by the means andminiflerie ofman. The like faith.Amos, I waa neither Pro-; E 3 phet,