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the Epiftle to theGalatians. Chap.i . i 43 The faultof our times is, that we build our fclues,'and your worldly c(tatcs, and little refpef} the common good attic church. In theperlequution ofthechurch by Paul, two pointes are to be confidered, the manner , and meafure , or accomplifh.. ment . The manner is, that he perfequuted the church ex- treamely or a6oisemeafilre . That which Paul did in his religió, we mutt doc in ours. Thegood things, that we are to doe, we mat doe themwithallour might. Ecclef. 9. r o. our dutie is to keepc our l.artes in the feare ofGod, andwe muff doe it with alldiligence. ?rou.4.:4.It is our duty to feekegods kingdome, and we mutt take it withviolence. To enter into life isourduty, andwe mullflriare toenter. Topray is our duty, and we mull wraflle inpraier,Rom. ¡y. go. Infias turnes toGodwithall his r 5 harte. The law requires, that we fliould loueGod,with all the powers ofbody and foule, and with all the frengi ofall the powers . In earthly things we mull moderateour thoughtes& cares, but fpirituall duties mull be performed with all our might. 20 Theaccompli(hment ofperfequution, is, that Paul wafted the church, and madehauockcof it. HereI confider 2. points, what is waged?&who is thewafter?For thefir(, it is the church. Here 2. queflibs may bedemáded, thefirif is,how thechurch canbe wafted?Anfwer. In refpeft ofthe inward citate thereof, 25 which (landes inelcflion,faith, iuflification, glorification , it cannot be wafted. In refpeaofhis outward eflate, it may be wafted,that is in refpea of mens bodies, and in regard of the publikeaffemblics, and the exercifcs of religion. The fecond queflion is, why God fuffers his enemies to waft his owne 3o church: Anfwrr. Iudgementbeginnes in Gods houle : andhis judgements fometimeare very (harpe, whether they be infii- led for triall orcorreelion of fumes pail, or for the prcuen- tingof finnes to come. As in the bodie, fometime there is no hope of life, except armes, and legges be cut off: euen fo is it in 35 the church. Hence it appeares that there (hall be a Matt iudge. ment, and that there is a lifeeuerlafling in heauen : becaufc the wicked manflorifneth in thisworld, and the godly are often -opprcffcd. The wafter ofthe church is Paul. By whome we learne that fanne, where it takes place, giues a mannoref till it hath F z brought,