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44 Math. S. 4$. Chap. x . Connmentarie vivo 11o643.ts.va6. brought him to aheightofwickednes. Hatred having entred into Cairns heart, leaves him not, till it haue caufedhiui to im- bruehis hands inhis brothers bloud. Couctcoufnesmakes Iu- das at length tobetray his matter, and have himfelfe. Blind walemakes Paul not only toperlequute , but alto to waft: the church, Therefore it isgood to auotde the firft beginnings,yca theveryoccauon of finne. The fecondpart, and point inPauls conuerfion, is, that he profittcs in his religion. Thus fhouldwe profit in the gofpell' ofChriff. It is gods commandement beye perfe 7 As your heA- uenlyfather isperfeE7 : that is, indeisour to come to perfetlion All thefaith we haue or canobtaine is little enough in the time of temptation. Iob that Paid inhisaft%ion, though the Lord kill mee I:rillffill truft inhim faithalto that God wrot bitter things apinghimAndmade him topofreffe the linnet, of hisyouth . It is a token that a mats is dead in his finnes, when he Both not growe, or increafe in good things. I. Pet. 2. a. In this regard great is the fault ofour dales, for many are wearie of the gol peli, many (land at a Raie without profiting; many goc back- ward. The caufe is this. Commonly menhue as it were with- out the lawe : and thinke it fufBcient , ifthey doenot grolfely offend: not confidèringthat the lawc ofGod, is a lawe to our thoughtes, andaffOlions, and all the circumflances of our ac`fions. That we may hereafter make good proceedings in our religion, we muff remember 3, caucats. One,that wemull indeuour to fee,and f.elc inour felucs the finalenes ofourfaith, repentance, feareofGod&c. And the great mall-e of corrup- tions that is in vs. Thuswith the beggar, we fhaIl be alwaics peecing, and mending our garment. The fecond , that as tra- ucllers, wemull forget things pall, and goc on to doe more aoad, Pfal. 3. 14. The third, that we muff let before vs the crowneofeternal! glorie &feeketoapprehend it t.Tim.6.1 s. thus didMores Heb. i s. In Pauls profiting, two thingsmull: be confidered, the men- lure, and the thing in which he profited. The meafure in that he proßited a6oau Manyothers. Hence we learne that in matters ofreligion there fhould bean holy Emulation, and contenti- on, among vs : and our fault is that we contcnd,who Ihall haue themof} riches, andhonour, or goc in the finchapparel!, and firiue not togoeone beyondanother in good things. Againe, Pauls ro 1$ 20 as 30 3S