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the Wit to thegalatians. Chap.t. Pauls modeflie mull here be obferued. He loth not fay that he profited more then all but more then many: andhe faith not, more then his fuperiors,but more thenhis equallyfor time : and he faithhot more thenall the world , butmore then they of his I omise nation. This modeflic ofhis,mufl be learnedofvs,for itis the ornament ofour faith : and therefore mull betoyned with our faith. The matteror the thinginwhich Paul profited , is that he was a6oundantyz ealoras fsr the traditions ofthefathers. Here I 20 confider three points. I. What zeale is? Anfzv. It is a certen fer- uencie offpirit,arifingofa mixtureofloue,and anger, caufing men earncflly to maintaine the worfhipofGod, and all things pertaining thereto , and mooning them togriefe, and anger, when God is anyway difhonoured. I I. For what is Paul zea- lout? Anrwer.For theoutwardobferuationofthe law,and with- all,for Pharificall vnwrittenTraditions:which thereforehe cals the Traduions.ofhisfathers.I I LWhat is the fault ofhis zeale? (for he condemnesit in himfelfe)Aíafrver. He had thezeale of God,but not according to knowledge . For his zeale was a- 30 ; ;ainfl theword,in that it tended to maintaine vnwritten Tra- ditions , and iuflification by the workes of the lawc, out of Chrifl,IKom. t o.2. Hence-we )carne fundriethings.(For that which Paul did in his religion , are we to doe in the profef ionoftheGofpell.) 25 ' Firft,wcare to addiEt and let our feluesearneflly,tomaintaine the trueth,and the praEtife oftheGofpcl. Chrifl was euencon- fumed with thezealcofGods houfe.Ioh.2. The angels of the Church ofLaodieea is blamed, becaufc he is neither hotte, nor cold.Rev.3.He is accurfcd of God , that doeth the work! ofGod 3-o negligewty, Ietem. q.8. Secondly , we are to be angle in our fettles ,andgricued , when God is difhonoured, and his word difobeyed. When the Ifraelites worthipped the golden calle, Moles inholyanger,brufl the tables off}óne.Dauid'wept, and`f 35f 1Paul was humbled for the finnes ofother men: Mal; i i 9.r36. 1 2. Cor.t 2.2r .Thirdly, we are here taught, not-to giúe libertie ! to the bellofournaturali afeElions,as to-zeale; burtomortifie h them,and to rule themby theword,Numb. r5. ;9. othervi ife, they will caufe'vs to runneoutoforder,like wild beafls;as here we fee irtPaul. Lafily , let it be obferued, that Paul here con. denims zeale, for the maintenance of vnwritten Traditions. F 3 .And'