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i jChap.r. ACommentarievpon Treadlingof I confider-two thinges. the flail is.y why Chrift mull bepreached rather thenMotes? Antwer, there be ltv ocaufes.flne is, beeaufcChrill is the fubftance or fubict mattarRefthewholcBible ;For the fumme of the Captures may be thus gathered together.The tonneof Godmade man, and working our redemption', is the flavour of-mankind: but Icfus the tonneofMarie is the tonne of God made tnan,wor- king our redemption: therefore Icfusthe fonae of Marie is the fauiour áfttrankitd. The n,aior is the fumineof the old felta- mcntt°the minor is the (ctmmeof thenew : and the ronclufion is the fco_pco`fboth. The fecondcalk is. The law is the mini- fierie of death:and the Gofpcll (which is the doarineoffalua- tion by the fonne¡ is the initrumcnt ofGod to be?,inneand to confirme all graces ofGodin vs that arc neciaricto our falua- iion. Therefore the cloEfrhaeprincipally,to.bc preached is the ,Gofpell,and not the lawn Secondly it may be demanded, what it is to preach Chrift? Anfwer:itis a great worke, and,it containes 4. minifteriall afti- ons. The firft,generally to teach the doctrineofthe incarnati- on ofChrift and of his threeoffices, his kinglyoffice, his pro- pheticall office, and hispriefthoodwith the excquution ther- of. The fecond,to teach that faith is an inflrument ordained of God to apprehend and to applic Chrift withhis benefits. The third is tocertifie and to reuele to eucryhearer,that it is thewill of God to lane him by Chrifi in particular , fobe it be will re- ceiue Chrift. Forwhen the Gofpellispreached, God thereby fignifics vntovs,that his will is to gluevs lifeeuerlafling r .Iob. t I. The tali is to certifieand to rcucale to cuery particular hearer;that he is toapply Chrift with his benefits to him(dfc in particular, and thateffeetually by Inc faith, that a change and conuerfion may followe both in hart and life. t.Ioh. 3.23. Andthus when thefe things arc rightly performed,Chrift is preached. Hence it appeares thatto Icarne Chrift, is not only to know him generally, but allo effeelually to apply him to our felucs byour faith,that theremay beachange and renoua- tion ofthe whole man. They which learnt Chrift, mull thus 'carne him,cls can theynottiehued. The fecondpoint is, that Paul mull preach to she gentiles. there be two caufesofit : one, that the prophecies of the cal lingofthegcntiles might be tutfilled, Pfal. 2. and t r o. liai. 2. IO tS 20 25 3° 35