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the Epi file to the Galatians. Chap_1 ( 5y J The fccond, becaufe at the deathofChrifi the deuifionwhich was bctweene the Iewes and gentileswas quite abolifhcd Eph. a. I 3. Here I obferue thedifferencebetwcenc Apoftles and ordinary Miniflcrs. Theircharge is a fctt , and particular 5 congregation ; whereas the chargeofanApottic is thewhole. world. The 4. and laic point is the obedience of Paul to the cal- lingof God, in that he went aidpreached she Gofpell. Here a queflion may be dcmaunded : whether Paul performed his I o obedience, by vertueofthe grace which he had formerly re- ceiued without the helpe ofnew, and fpeciall grace, or roe Answer. not. His obedience proceedes from the firft grace , helpedor excited,by fpeciall grace. In the rcgenerate,that haue power to doegood,:Godworkes thewill, and the dcede, in e. 5 uerygood workc. Phil. 2. Y 3. And it is a certaine truth : we not that whichwe are able to doe ,..vnleíhe God make vs doe it, as he madevs able to doe it. Therefore to the dooingof cuery new a&e, there is new, and fpeciall grace required.. In Pauls obedience, Iconfider 3. points. r. When he o- O beyed: Immediatly.How?withots:deliberation, or confultation.! when? in !Arabiaand Damafcrts. For the ftrft,in thatheobeied God' in going to preach im mediatly, we learne howwe are to anfwer and obey the cal- lingofGod, that calks to amendment, and newnefteof life: a 5 namely inall haft, without deferring oftime. Hebr. 3. 8. To dale ifye willheare his:vaice, harden not your hartes:andv. t3. exhort one another while it it called to day . `Pjal 1 !.ç.6ó. Imade haft anddidnot delsic to keepe thy ccmmandements. And there be good reafons, why we fleould no longer deferre our conuerfi 3° on to God. The ende ofour life is vncerten:and lookeas death leans vs, fo !hall the laft iudgement find vs. Secondly.,. when we delayour repentance, we add finne to finne, and fo treafure vp wrath againfl the day ofwrath. parr,. 2. Thirdly , when we deferre to obey and turne to God, we growe to perfection in :15 fume : and finne Geeing perfeflcdbrinesforthdeath. lam. t. e..e. Laftlie, late re oentanceis feldome, or neuer, true repentance. For when men aredying,their Gnncs.forfakc them, and they doe notcommonly forfake their firmes.. Codhath called vs-in England more then 40. yeares together, and yet many of vs tautnot Winedto ofGod but deferred to obey: let