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the Epif le to the Galatians. redly then giues attendance to the commandement, and goes as it were blind fold,he knowcs not whither . God promifed him achildein his old age.,he belceuesGod without any reato ning,or drfputing the cafe with himfelfe,too.or fro:Rom-+2o. But the common manner is , (though we knowe the will oi- God)todifpute the cafe,and to confult with our friends, and to pradife according tocarnali counfell. Eue !glens to the coon, fell of Satan,andineglc is Gods commandement. Saul beeing forbidden to offer Sacrifice in Gilgal , till Samuel came to doe 410 it;confults with himfelfc,whcther he may doe it or no:and fol- lowcs his owne reafon,again(i Godscommandement,and loft his kingdomc fer it.And this kind ofdcliberation,wbercbym confult what is to be done,is the caufe of the manifold rebel'' ons of men,in the world. E 5 In that man is rearmed here ,fte/i and blood, weare taught, not to put confidence in man : we are taught to humble our feInes before God we arc taught, eucry day,to prepare our (clues again fi theday ofdrath,and thcday of,udgcment :yea to account eucry new day,as the day ofdcath,becaufe we-arc but 20 flc(h and blood. The third pointis,wherePaul-firft preached? namely,in A- ra6iaand DamacM. Arabia is a region of theworld, where Mount Sina flandes,and where the children el Ifrael wande- red q.o.yeares.The inhabitants thereof,were of two forts:fome moreciuill,andfome barbarous.Ctuill,as the Ifiaelites,Amale- chites,Madianites,&c.(Yetwere theyprofeffed enemies of the peopleofGod.) Barbarous, as the Eafierne part of Arabia,to. ward Babylon. For the inhabitants dwelt inTents,and lined like wilde,and fluage men,by robbing,and ftealing, and conk- 3° quentlybykiiling.Ifai. r ; .zo.Icrem. 3.2. Merewefee`Iawls &tate andcondition, when he fiat begins the exequutionofhis Apoflolicall funí`iion . God then laies vpon him a (harpe and waightie triall. For he goes alone into Arabia,and hernuit becomea teacher to his owiie 'profefTed e- 35 nemies,yeato a fauagegeneration..ofwhore coruerfion he had no hope,in mans reafon . And this hath bin an vfuall dealing ofGod,wftth hisowneferitants.Whert Motes was called to dc- liner the Ifrachtes,andwas in the way, the Lord, for a defeEl in his family,comes againfl him,to defirovhim,Exod.4.24. Da raid is annornted kingofIfrael:andwithal] Saul is railed vp, to lri t per(c- 57