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} 58 Chap. t . ACoenmentarie vpos perfccute him,and tohunt him , as men hunt Partridges in the mountaincc. Ionas is called to preach toNiniue, andwithal! God forfakcs him , and leaues him to himfelfe, fo,as he is call into the fea,and deuoured ofa fifh;and after this, becing deli- uered,he mull goe preach at Niniue. When Chrifl was in his baptifine (as it were inaugurated the Doftor of the Church) prefently after,before he begun topreach,he is carried into the wilderncffe,to bewith wild beafls,and to be temptedofthe de- uill,Mar.t.v.a 2. And the rcafons ofthisdealing of God, are minifefl : by this meanes finncfull men, are made fit for the officeof teaching. For the laying is true , 7teading,praier,and .temptation,mske a Diiaine. Againc, by this meanes they arc cau- fed to depend on theprouidence, and protcflionofGod,and they are made fit for the a(íì1}ance, and prefenceofGods fpi- rit,who dwels onely with them that arc ofhumble,and con- trite hearts.Nowe then,let not them,that in anynotable change oftheir lines , finde notable temptations, bedilcouraged; for this is acondition that befalls them,by a wife and fpeciall pro- uidcnccofGod.For it was the fpirit ofGod,that led Chrifi in- to the wilderneffe,tobe tempted,after his baptifmc. Againe,herewe arc taught, to acknowledgethree things in God. Hispower, in that he lets vphis kingdome,where it is moll oppugned,and raigncs in the middefl of his owne ene_, mies;namely, the wicked and fauagc Arabians, according to that in the Pfalmt e, i o.v.2. His goodnes, in that he fends Paul to preach repentance, to the people, that are in the fiìare ofthe deuill,at hiswill.a.Tim.2.26. His trueth, in thathe nowe ful- fils i things foretold byDauid.Pfal.72. r o. Thekings ofSheba C SabgA411brinq ifts:that is,Ethiopians andArabians. 18. Then after three yeares , I came againe to Ierufalern , to vifit Peter, and abode with him fifteene 5 to 15. 20 2 Baies. 1 Paul hauingproouedbefore,that he learnednot the Golpel ofanyman, nonot of the Apoßlcs at Hicrufalem : goes a. bout nowe to anfwer exceptions that mightbe made againfl 1 hisreafon. And firfl ofall;it might haue becnc obie&led, that 5:r