Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

Chap.=. the Epijlle to the Gßtativo. him : forit couldnot be learned in fo fhort a (pace : 'neither could Paul by the teaching of any man become an Apofllc in' fo little time. 19 Andnone otherofthe Apo-- 5 idles fawe I, faue James the Lords. brother. It might happily be obicaed againff the former verfe , that AO Paul might betaught of font other Apoftlebetide Peter, and that at Ierufalem : to this he anfwers two things . One , that there was noneof the Apoftlesat lcrufalembut Iames: (bcfide. Peter before named: ),thefccond,that he did but feeIames. Here I gather that if there be any mother church in the r 5 world, it is rather Ierufalem then Rome , becaufe the Gofpel was firti preached there &went thence into thewhole world : and lcrufalemwas for a timeguided by two of the cheek A. potties, Jarnes,andPeter. In that lames is called our Lords brother three things may ao be demanded. One, which Iames this was ? Anfwer. It was Iames the forme of-Alpheus : for hehued 14. yeares after this Gal: 2.9. whereas Iames the forme of Zebcdeus hued not fo long, becaufe he was put to death by Herod . The fccond thingis,how Iames fhould be theLords brother ? Anfwer. In 35 fcripturc, children ofthefame wombe, arebrethren men of the fameblond, arc brethren ; as Abram andLot. Gen. 13.8. Men of thefame countrie arebrethren, thus Sauls countrimen arc called his brethren. t. Chron. r 2. .. And Iames is called our Lorriesbrother,not besaufe hewas of the fame wombe, 3° but becaute he was ofthe fame bloud or kindred : for Elie had two daughters, Marieefpoufed to Iofeph, &Marie Cleophas, who afterwardwas marled toAlpheus of woome carne lames here mentioned. lames therefore was the cofn.germau of Chrif}. Therefore Heluideus failed when he went about to in- 35 fringe the perpetual) virginitie of the virgin Marie out of this place, as if fhe hadmore formes betide Chrif2. The thirdthing `is, what benefit lames had by beeing theLords brother ? An- lfwer.He is here called theLords brotheronly,for. diftinflions /fake in rcfpc i of the other Iames thefonne of Zcbedeus H; 3 this