Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

ts2 ( Chap. i. c..lCommentarievpoa not make him the better Apoflle., or shebeuerman, Outward things doenot connmcnde vs to god. And it is the fpttituall kindred, bynieanesoffaith, andour new birth, that bringes vs into ?àuour with God. Mathew. 12. 49. zo I"Iowe' the things which. I write , I fpeake before God I lie not. Before, Paul hath auòuched fundrie thinges of himfelfe t that hepreached in Arabia; &Darr:afcus : that he went thence to lerufalem : that hedid not !carne the Gofpcll there oFPeter, lames, or any other Apofllc. Now Tome men might happily fay,that theft facings of hisare but falfe and fabulous auoch- 15 merits : therefore in this verle Paul defends hitnfelfe, and iufli- fres his ovine fayings, by a diuineteftimony. Thewordes containe 2. partes. An anfwer to an obicaion concealed,on this manner; I may be thought to lie, but indcede 11ienot. The fccond is, a confirmationby oath, before God 1 20 fpeake it. Touching the fir Ft parte, there be two pointes tobe handled: what is a lie? Andwhether it be a finne or nor A lie is when wefpeake the contrarie to that we tbinke. wtth an intention to deceive. More plainly, in a iietherebeq.. thinges:the firft is, toavouchandaffirme that which isfate. The fecond is to 2s fpeake witha double harte Tfa! 12 .2. That is to fpeake againft knowledge, andconlcience,as when a man faith that is true which he knowes tobefalfe,or that is falfe,which'he knowes to be true. This makesa lie, to be a lie, and this diftingui-lhcth an vntruth, from a lie. For here it mutt be obferued , that a man 0 may fpeake that which isfalte, andnot lie: namely if he fpeake that which is falfe, thinking into be true. For then though he erreand is decciued, yet he fpeakes not againft confcience,and confequently he fpeakes no lie. Againe,a man may fpeake that which is true, and yet lie : for if he fpeake that which is 3s true indcede , and fpeake it as a tructh , and yet thinke . it to be falle, helies indeed : becaufe he fpeakes the truth , a Igainahis confcience. The third thing in a lie, is, a mince or in- rention to deceirte, or hurte. For in the ninth commandement that'is a.falfe.tefl.imonie that it againft our neighbour. T 4. phe oint í0