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64 Chap. t. AConsmentarie upon might drawhisenemies out ofthe citieScdcfiroy the'. Iof. 8.5. Thcre is a kindof deceit called deltas bowes,that is, agood deco:, ,and of thiskind was the ac`t of bolus. Thus Phyfitrans for their good vtè to decciue the fides of their impotent patients. Thus parëtsinfinuatc veto their chrldrë,ternb!e things,of the Beare, and bullbegger, that they may kecpc them from places of hurt anddanger. And this may be done without Fault, for.itis one thing to contrary the truth, and an other to tpeakc-or doe fomething diuerfeunto it without contrariety. The fecond point is,whether to lee, be alinne,ar nelthe anfwer is,yea.Forturn in this_place,Pan1puts lying from hunfelfc,and that with an oath.The dcuill is (-aid to be theauthor of al: lies, Ioh.8.And it is Gods commandeincnt,that we fhould pura_ Way Iying,Eph.4. z S.It is ebieEled,that thefporting, and eicioua lie,is not again {.l charitic,to the hurt ofany, bin for thegood of men. I anfwer , firtl, though it benot to the hurt ofour neigh. bour,yet is it to the hurt and preiudice of trueth.Secondly,they are deceiued to whom thefe lies are told.Thirdly,hehurts him - felfe that tels a lie, though it be for the good ofmen : for when he fpeakes the truth indeede,he is lettebeleeucd.La(lly,though therekind oflies,fecme to be good inrefpeeî of their ende, yet are they not good in refpea of their nature, and conflitution. For in fpeakrng,there fhould be a conformitie,and confent,be- tweenethe tongue, andthe minde;which is not,when any lie is vttered.Sccondly,it is obiehled , that theEggptian Midwiucs, fatted the male childrenof the Ifrachtes:andRahab the fpies,by lying.Exod.I.19.Igga:5. and that they are commended for this.I anfwer,wemutt diflinguifh theworke done,from the ex cquution ofthe worke.The worke in fauing the children , and the fpies,wasa fraíte offaith, and the feare ofGod,and itisc6- mended:but the mannerof putting thefe workes in exegnu- tion,by lying,isnot approoued.If it bePaid, that faith, and the feareofGod,cannot ¡land with amanifell finne : I fay againc, that faith, and the feareofGod , arc imperfeel in this hIe , and therefore theyare Ioyned with many frailties ; and aftions of faith,arc mixed with fundrie dcfeefs,and frnncs. Now then , we are tobe exhorted , to make aconfcierce of lying,and to fpeake the trueth from our hearts . And there be many reafons to induce vs to thepratifeof this dutie. FirfLit is Gods commandement, Iam.3.I j. Secondly,lying is a confor- mitre 5 is 2A 25 3 3i