Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

0.1111111111111110.1.mmom, 5 25 30 35 the 40 le to the Calatiant. ,Chap. pointe is,that hewhichfpeakes that which isfa/limpets avniÜeof madewithout reafonable cafe , u a lier. Thus boflers,& flatte- rers, archers. And thefc are the things which concurre in the makingofahe. For thebetter conceiving of the nature of a lie , we mutt put difference between it and fundrie other things incident to fpeach.Fira,wemuff putdifference betwene a lie-and a Pa. rable or figure. In aparable indeed there is fomething 'fuppofed orfaincd; as for example,when the trees arc brought in con- ferring, andconfultingaboute their king,Iud. 9. 8. neuerthe- le& a parable is fine from falfchoode, or lying : for by things fained, it fignifies anddeclares anvnfained truth . Againe, differencemuff be put betwene a lie and the con.' cealenient of4 thing:for it is one thing tofpeake againft our knowledge , andanother to fpeake that which we knowe . And concealements,ifthere bea reafonablecaufe, and Writ be not neceffary for vs to reucale the thing concealed, are not vn- lawfull. ThusAbram fpeakes the truth in parte , calling ,Sara hisfitter, andconccalcs it in part, notconfeffingher to be his wife. Gen. I 2. r 0. Thus Samuel by Gods appointment re- mks that hecame to Gilgall to offer facrifice , and concealer theannointment ofDauid, that he might faue his life. i . Sam. 16. ç. Jonas preaches that Ninitte fhall be deflroyed within 40. dales, andhe conceales the condition ofrepentance. The like did Tile toEzechias,Ifa. 3 8. r . Thirdly, a difference mat be made between lying and fay. fling/which fame calltimid/ion: not diffemdiing,but ratherfem- huing (if Inlay fo terme it.) And that is, when fornethingis fpo- ken not contrary, but befide,or dinersto that whichwe thinke. And this kind offayning, ifit benot to the preiudice °firm!) ägainfl thc gloryofGod, and thegoodofourneighbour , haue forne conuenient and reafonable caufe, is not vnlaw- full. It was not thewill and counfell ofGod todefiroy the If- raelites for their idolatrie. Andhe doth not fpeakevnto Mores any thing contrary to his will, but fomething, that is betide, or dinersvnto it, when he faith let me alone, that my wrath may waxe hotsand Imaydefrayshem: Exed32. io.And thishe fpakes, that he might flirre vp Mores to feruencie in praicr for the If- raelites,and the I fraelites tovnfained repentance. Tanahailing befigedAi meant not to-flit , yet doth he faine a flight, that he 63