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the Epiftle to the Galatians. though the falle brethrendid what they could to the coritra- rie. Here then Paulfets downc, whowere the caufc that Titus was not circumcifed , namely certaine perfons at Ierufalem, and them he fets forth by two properties , theyare falfebre.. ¡ thren, and they crept into the Church. Touching the firft,by it we !carne, that theChurch of Godvpon earth , menwhen it is at the bell, bath wickedmen, and hypocrites in it. In Adams fa- mily, there is Cain : in the Arke, there is Cham : in Chrifls fa- mily, or fchoole, there is Iudas. In the Church of Ierufalem, o planted andgouerned by the chiefe Apoflles , there be falf brethren. The true fheepe be oftenwithout, and wolueswith- . in. Thereforewe may not fomuch as dreame of aperfeion ofthe Churchof' Godvpou earth; fo long is wickedmen be mixedwith true belceuers. t 5 Againe , there aduerfaries ofPaul , arecalledfall brethren, because they ioyned Crrcumcifionwith Chrifl, as a neceffarie caufeof iuflification,and faluation. Hence it follower, that the Church ofRome, is s (altoC;Jarch: becaufe it ioynes workes with Chrifl, in the cafeofour iuflification, and that as mcrito- $O rious caufes. Their fecond propertie is, that they crept into the Church, which I conceiue on this manner. TheChurch of God is as a fheepefold, or houle, loh. r o. r . Chrif$ is the onely dore. Now Paflours, that teach Chrill aright , are falde to enter in by :his 25 ! dore : they which teach anyother way offaluation, are raid to clime in an other way: and they which teach Chrifl, ioyning tomeother thin., with hire in the caufe of faluation, arc Paid to Creepe in : becaufe in appearance, they maintaine Chrifl ; and yet , becaufe they adde fòme thing to Chrifl,theyneither enter nor continue in the true Church, with any goodwarrant from God. In this, they are like the ferpent. Lining creatures were all placed in Eden :and Man wasplaced in the garden ofEden 'called Paradife, and fo were not beafls. How then comes the ferpent in ? why, in all likelihood, it'crept in. And fo doe falle 85 brethren into the Church. HenceI gather that falle brethren, are not true,and liucly members ofthevifibleChurch: though they be members inappearance. For ifthey were in their right place, they fhould not be'faid to creepe in. The true members of the Church creepe not into the myflicalf bodie , but are 'built and fet vpon the foundationbyGod. It may be alleadg Chap.2. 8;